"OU edition" language textbooks - are they truly necessary?

I was trying to estimate what DS is going to have in book costs for the upcoming semester, and was kind of shocked by the nearly $300 sticker price of the book for Intermediate German. It is listed as an OU edition that is only available to buy new (and, from what I have dug up thus far, he will only use this semester). Anyone have thoughts on how necessary this edition is, and if so, how hard it might be to find a student on campus to sell him a used one? I hate to see him pay that kind of money for a book that might otherwise be rent-able for about $20 through some services.

The German department is very small at OU, so I don’t have any direct knowledge of how they do things. I would have your DS e-mail the professor about the text book and ask. Most professors are very accommodating.

The professor might say a few things:
1). Suck it up and buy the new book.
2). Other versions of the book are available and will work fine.
3). Offer to put DS in touch with former students who may want to sell their old book.

This is the best way to find out if you can’t hear from a student who has previously taken the class.

Unless it’s an entirely new book, some of the textbook stores in Norman besides the OU bookstore might have a used copy.


Thanks for the info & ideas!