our post count/ thread count SUCKS

<p>hm..I need to get a laptop from one of those two places....</p>

<p>So someone better answer that quick!</p>

<p>Best Buy is better IMO. However, Fry's is better than both because of cheaper prices.</p>

<p>Getting your thumb cut off or getting your pinky toe cut off?</p>

<p>PS: Ouch.</p>

<p>Pinky toe. </p>

<p>Asking a strange question or giving a strange answer?</p>

<p>Strange question.</p>

<p>Man OR Machine?</p>

<p>Neither, give me a woman. ;-)</p>

<p>Navy SEAL or Army Ranger?</p>

<p>navy seal.</p>

<p>Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell?</p>

<p>Splinter Cell</p>

<p>Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan</p>

<p>Michael Jordan</p>

<p>Power Rangers or Ghostbusters</p>

<p>Ghostbusters, I guess. </p>

<p>Country or Classical (music)?</p>

<p>Classical... requiems sound so cool!</p>

<p>Study abroad in Australia or in Costa Rica?</p>

<p>Costa Rica.</p>

<p>Scuba diving VS Sky Diving?</p>

<p>scuba diving
<em>quakes in fear at the thought of heights</em></p>

<p>mammals or birds (not to eat!)</p>

<p>birds, some of them can talk</p>

<p>poker or blackjack</p>

<p>blah..i'm so illiterate at these games...let someone else do the dirty work :p</p>



<p>I'm sooo terrified of going underwaters and touching all those yucky sea cucumbers..and anemones...and what not. <em>urgh</em></p>


<p>friday night parties or saturday night parties?</p>

<p>So why did I say underwaters..lol :p</p>

<p>...I'm not sure..my weekends are on..Thursday and Friday..hm..I would prefer going out on a thursday...so I guess that corresponds to Saturday!</p>

<p>Saturday it is.</p>

<p>Writing e-mails vs smsing/texting?</p>


<p>Gulf of Mexico or Arabian Gulf?</p>

<p>Arabian Gulf!!!!</p>

<p>Rabbits VS Hares?</p>

<p>Hope no one minds me jumping in. :)</p>


<p>UNC or Wake?</p>