our post count/ thread count SUCKS

<p>i personally prefer cyborgs</p>

<p>clinton or bush?</p>


<p>Yellow or Orange?</p>


<p>ancient greece or ancient rome?</p>

<p>straight from my history text book- "the ancient greeks were known for their strong desire to enjoy life. Large crowds of people congregated at all times of the day to indulge in wine drinking and merriment. This was, ofcourse, the social norm at the time."</p>

<p>now we know why frats come under greek life</p>

<p>but anicent rome was much cooler.. gladiators.. yeah!!</p>

<p>mountains or beaches?</p>


<p>Scipio Africanus or Hannibal?</p>


<p>Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?</p>

no doubt about that!!!!</p>

<p>gandalf or aragorn?</p>


<p>ents or hobbits</p>


<p>Golf or Polo?</p>


<p>Hewlett Packard or Dell?</p>


<p>MP3 player or CD player.</p>

But I'd have to go with MP3 player.</p>

<p>Indoor Sport or Outdoor Sport?</p>

<p>Outdoor sports!!!!</p>

<p>Bowling or Roller Skating?</p>

<p>Roller Skating</p>

<p>Kournikova or Sharapova? (toughie..)</p>


<p>Princeton Review or Barrons (can u tell I'm studyng for the Ap exams)</p>

<p>i will personally throw my barron's chem into the bonfire we have at Duke. I hate that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>money or happiness? (there could be a middle path, but let's just assume there isn't)</p>


<p>Chem or Bio</p>

<p>(Personally, I just took all my review books and textbooks (3 storage boxes worth) and put them in the garage. I feel so bad for my younger sibling......</p>


<p>haha i inherited my brothers books..</p>

<p>football or basketball?</p>

<p>Basketball :)</p>

<p>(Yeah...poor younger siblings..)</p>

<p>e-mails OR letters?</p>


<p>Pirates vs. Indians.</p>