our post count/ thread count SUCKS

<p>kill bill</p>

<p>star wars or star trek</p>

<p>Star Wars</p>

<p>fish or plants? (for dorm decoration, of course)</p>

<p>fish (pirahnas!)</p>

<p>libertarians or socialists</p>


<p>F4 Phantom or B22 Bomber?</p>

<p>b22 bomber</p>

<p>Oprah or Sally</p>

<p>Oprah. Sally is annoying.</p>

<p>A french kiss or a long open mouthed kiss?</p>

<p>Long opened mouth kiss. </p>

<p>rafting or kayaking?</p>

<p>toughie. I guess I'll go with kayaking</p>

<p>The red power ranger or the green one?</p>

<p>Come on, we all watched it when we were little. lol</p>

<p>Red ranger!</p>

<p>Law and Order SVU or Law and Order Criminal Intent</p>

<p>SVU!!! I watch it everyday. Benson is kind of hot sometimes!</p>

<p>Spiderman or the Wolverine (in a fight to the death)?</p>

<p>bump. You guys want to beat Stanford, don't you?</p>

<p>aaah....touch choice...........hm..I love Spidey and Wolverine.....aargh..

<p>None actually.</p>

<p>The Beatles VS The Rolling Stones?</p>

<p>Rolling Stones...Beatles are too softcore.</p>

<p>Family Guy or Simpsons (the ultimate battle)?</p>

<p>The Simpsons, its longer running and a classic</p>

<p>Dell or IBM</p>

<p>Ooh, toughie... my dad works for IBM, but we have a Dell. I think I'm getting a Dell for next year, though, so I'll say Dell.</p>

<p>white glue or gluestick?</p>

<p>spray-on adhesives, which I think are illegal, now. white glue is crud for science fair boards and gluesticks are worthless.</p>

<p>hm...but I'd still go with gum sticks..</p>

<p>(Devil May Cry,we just might be the two most different people on the planet lol :p) </p>

<p>Paper VS Plastic?</p>

<p>LOL why? Are you a diehard Beattles man?</p>

<p>BTW I'll go with plastic.</p>

<p>Batman vs. Superman (another ultimate battle)?</p>

<p>Haha..yeah...I am. :D
Plus I would have chosen paper..and most of the time,I answer opposite to what you've chosen...so I've come to the conclusion that we are entirely different. </p>

<p>hm..this time I'll go with Superman.
Batman doesn't stand a chance.</p>

<p>Marvel Comics VS Street Fighter :p</p>

<p>Marvel Comics</p>

<p>Obi wan or qui gon jinn</p>