<p>Okay...so I just finished up taking the SAT a little while ago, and our proctor was not qualified at all! She made multiple mistakes:
1) After we had finished a section, some kid was like,"wait can I transfer my answers I accidentally wrote them in the wrong section!" she said, "uhhhh okay sure" So we waited for him to finish.
2) She left the door wide open (this might not be against normal rules) even though it was noticeably loud out in the halls.
3) She texted during testing time.
4) This is the worst one of all: for the 10 minute section, she read us the directions, most notably the one where you must stay in your seat until time is up. SHE THEN REPLIES, "I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT, YOU CAN LEAVE WHENEVER YOU WANT AFTER YOU'VE FINISHED."
Okay, so seriously I was like, what is she thinking? I stayed in my seat until time was up, but almost everybody else left early, creating a distraction for those still working. Then instead of her collecting our materials, we brought them up to her desk. </p>
<p>I kind of want to report her or something; is this possible? I do not know her name, but I know the testing center and room number. I'd really prefer if she never proctored again because she obviously was not fit to do so. However if this is possible, would our scores be compromised/void? </p>
<p>Please advise!</p>
<p>Call Collegeboard.</p>
<p>Definitely. Call CollegeBoard. At the very least, hopefully they will not use that proctor again and allow you to retest at no cost.</p>
<p>My son came home in his usual lowkey way and said, “It was easy”. HA! I hope hes’s right! It would be nice not to need to retake.</p>
<p>Good luck to all of you test takers.</p>
<p>I agree with the above. My proctor tried to cut us off five minutes early a couple times; luckily, I was keeping track of time and was able to convince her that she had it wrong.</p>
<p>mine wasn’t bad. but she kept walking around the desks, which was kinda distracting, and she didn’t tell us that after section 6 was the last break, so i forgot and didn’t go pee. i swear i nearly ****ed myself after the 4 sections lmao.</p>
<p>and the school had “smart boards” with a projector thats vga’ed to the comp, so she turned on a site with a countdown, and there was a huge digital clock with the time left in the front for the entire test. i liked that</p>
<p>Ahh, it was frustrating. But thanks for the suggestions, I’m going to try to call Collegeboard on Monday.
It was my last time taking it (I’m a senior) and was just trying to improve for a couple of selective RD schools. Haha I guess I don’t care too too much because I’ve already been accepted to four great schools thus far. :)</p>
<p>PyroDave, the gigantic countdown clock must have alieviated all of your stress during the test.</p>
<p>If it makes you feel any better…my proctor forgot about the statement on the back, where we’re supposed to copy the statement and sign. I forgive him, though, 'cause he was a pretty cool guy. =P</p>
<p>I had a good proctor. She read most of the time. Walked around once towards the beginning of each section. Some kid forgot his calculator in the room after we were done, and she came RUNNING to give it to him. I thought that was pretty nice of her</p>
<p>You should DEFINITELY report this proctor as she did indeed break multiple rules.</p>
<p>The kid who needed to transfer answers should have been made to stay after everyone left to do that under her direct supervision, plus she should have filled out an Incident Report.</p>
<p>There is no rule about leaving the door open, and in fact sometimes it should be for proper ventilation; however, if there is noise out in the halls it should be closed.</p>
<p>Texting during testing time is definitely against the rules. </p>
<p>After the 10 minute section, the directions do not say that you must say in your seat until time is up. They say you must remain in your seat until dismissal. The difference is that the proctor calls time on section 10, and then you still must stay in your seat until test books and answer sheets are collected and counted. Then she will read another section saying that the test is over, and only then can you leave. This isn’t up to her - it is part of the script. </p>
<p>Also, each test book and answer sheet is supposed to be collected by the proctor individually, never passed up to the front or brought up to the desk. Then they must be counted before you are allowed to leave. </p>
<p>There is a word for word script that is provided and which is supposed to be read and followed by every proctor in every room globally on test day so that conditions are the same for everyone. Report her. You don’t need her name. All you need is the testing center and room number. I agree -she was not fit to proctor, and someone else who is more conscientious should be doing that job (and earning the money).</p>
<p>I don’t know what CB would decide about your room’s scores, though.</p>
<p>I didn’t know how to write cursive.
So I just sorta connected all my letters while writing really fast. By the way my proctor kinda sucked too. She in the second to last section, she ended the time at 11:51. (Or something like that.) She then said, put down your pencils, bla bla bla, and read the directions for the next section. This took her about a minute, and when she was done, she said begin work. Then she put up the starting time on the board, at it was 11:51, even though she had just taken a minute to read the directions. This meant that we lost 1 minute on the 10 minute section. I finished, but maybe some people didn’t, and they had lost 1 tenth of the time alloted, which means that you wouldn’t finish one or two of the 14 questions if you were meant to finish write on the dot. :(</p>
<p>It takes about 40-45 seconds to read the directions between sections. She may have written the second down in her book and let it go to the same second, without writing the second on the board. </p>
<p>The typical school clocks have been there for decades and are hard to deal with because the minute hand is rarely right on the minute line when the second hand is on 12. It’s better for the proctor to use a watch or timer, or the stopwatch function on his/her cell phone. But the wall clocks - ugh. If you must rely on it, the second hand must be in the same place at the beginning and end of the section.</p>
<p>saint im not sure if that was sarcastic, but i actually liked the timer lol, sucked seeing it be down to 45 seconds with a question left, but still it let me know exactly how long i had</p>
<p>I was taking the SAT and we had this proctor who started cussing when a Cat got into the room and got on top of the board. The cat was on the top of some cabinet seconds later and the proctor said “get your god given glueteus maximus down!”, of course his vocabulary was much more broad.</p>