While we are all biting our nails waiting for the last acceptances to come in, I thought I would share our story with you all and say thanks for this forum! I mostly “lurk” but it has helped me a ton to know we are not alone in this crazy journey.
Here is our story (briefly)
We are from a medium size nondescript city in the midwest. It’s a town where almost everyone goes to the public high school, which is not outstanding. Less than half of seniors go straight to 4 year colleges, and the vast majority of those to in state schools. No one from D’s school has every gone to an Ivy and only a handful have gone out of state, mostly to the neighboring state’s flagship.
Now, D has turned out to be unique, truly. I won’t bore you with all details, but she has outshined most everyone else here. She has done tons of things her peers would not have considered - gone out of state in the summers, taken online classes in addition to regular schedule, won lots of awards, including one major national one. I never would have predicted this and we certainly did not have Ivy League banners on her walls as an infant!
She knows she is different and it was her idea to try and get into a “good” school. Again, very unique. We did all of the things her friends never considered - spring break college road trip last year, taking SAT 3 times and subject tests twice, applying (and getting accepted) to very competitive summer research program last summer, spent months writing essays. We started this whole thing knowing next to nothing about it, and have learned tons, much of it thanks to one out of town college friend of mine with a son in a similar situation.
The last month has been very stressful. Local friend’s kids are already making plans to attend state schools. I don’t really talk about the one thing that has dominated my life for the last year as I don’t want to be seen as bragging. It’s very isolating. I doubt we will go through this all again with our other two, but if we do, I’ll at least know what I’m doing next time!
So, I’ll share with you all:
Daughter already in at out of state flagship school with full scholarship (backup - she is not applying anywhere in our state!). Applied EA to her dream Ivy and was deferred. Got early write to Smith, accepted to WUSTL and likely letter from Cornell, and wait listed yesterday from Case Western! Wait listed, really?? Visiting WUSTL again and Cornell for first time in April. Still holding breath for 3 other Ivy’s including dream on 3/31. But, if none of those three come through, already has great options, and she is very excited about Cornell, which was a last minute add on but after more investigation has risen straight to top of list! (Engineering) So pressure is off somewhat now. Worst part will be having to decide I think.
I’m grateful for:
All of the supportive people at D’s high school who have not known quite what to do with her but have done their best.
The fact that we actually live where the public school is only option, because I suspect if we had private options and really bad public ones, we would have felt compelled to shell out big bucks for the private option.
D and her dreams. She inspires me and I am really going to miss her next year.
Thanks for reading this and thanks for being here for support for parents like me who started out clueless 2 years ago!