Out of curiosity, how do you interpret this:

<p>"Although his rank his shared, his academic record shows a 97% achievement."</p>

<p>very vague... how many people share the rank? what is 97% achievement, mean?</p>

<p>I thought you got that all straightend out</p>

<p>hmm, i'd think:
even though he shares his rank with someone else, his academic record is impressive, possibly more so than the person he shares it with.</p>

<p>random: is it true that ending a sentence with a prep. is becoming more and more acceptable? I've heard several English teachers mention this but no one has confirmed and there still seem to be many sticklers out there.</p>

<p>Encomium: I tried my hardest but the counselors just flat out didn't help relay the message.</p>

<p>Davidrune: Yeah that's the point... it's really vague :/ Ungh</p>

<p>so your counselor wrote it but can't explain it?</p>

<p>No my counselor told me she would explain my rank situation more clearly but she lied to me and did not. Our school has shared rank but my grades are a lot better than the people I share it with (20 people or so). Now my schools will never know whether or not I am rank 1 or 20 :/</p>

<p>haosquared...I think it's okay colloquially and informally, especially if it's an idiomatic phrase that involves prepositions (what is all this about, i hope you got that straightened out, it's something to make fun of, etc.)</p>

<p>max, i think they will. your counselor sounds dumb but maybe you're not giving adcoms the benefit of the doubt. 97% achievement DEFINITELY makes you sound better than those other 19/20 people. </p>

<p>Encomium- thanks. It's just weird how old fart English teachers freak out while the newer teachers don't even bat an eyelash when it appears in papers.</p>

<p>How in the world can you share a rank if you have better grades? Doesn't better grades imply a higher rank? Or do you guys not rank based on gpa?</p>

<p>We rank based on GPA but harder classes aren't given any more weight. Rank 1 just means you have a 4.0 UW GPA. My shared rank doesn't even include those who are doing full IB. If it were I'd be sharing rank with like maybe 6 people, and if we were going by grade averages, I would be 1. But as it is I must share with 20.</p>

<p>That's absurd.</p>

<p>I see it as shared rank with a 97 overall average.</p>

<p>what is your actual rank?</p>

"Although his rank his shared, his academic record shows a 97% achievement."

Did the counselor include that with the typo??</p>

<p>thethoughtprocess: My ACTUAL rank is 1. That's why I've been so bent on trying to get my counselor to discuss it.</p>

<p>gianievve: No XD lol</p>

<p>suburbian: Very much so. What really makes me mad is that I've still been maintaining my averages even after my father's death because I still wanted to honestly be able to say I am rank 1, but having a death in the family makes it very difficult to maintain grades. I managed to pull it off (still rank 1) but my counselor wouldn't even mention it for me despite all the stuff I've had to go through lately considering my family situation. I feel like I've wasted time that could have been better spent mourning or remembering my father.</p>

<p>Hell, I've worked my butt off for that school for as long as I've been there, maintained the highest grades at school, and lost a father and yet I am no different from the privileged idiot who leeches answers and barely manages a 90% average in his lower-level classes. It's an outrage.</p>

<p>it'll pay off for colleges and it hasn't been a waste of time. i think what you did showed a lot of tenacity and if nothing else, you're a better person for it. and your gc doesn't just sound dumb, he/she sounds like an unfeeling witch with a b.</p>

<p>I hope you are right :P Thank you for your kind words.</p>

<p>I am so screwed. My counselor knows nothing about college admissions, and details such as this are screwed up all over. ~sigh~</p>