<p>someone can correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe caltech does composite scoring, which means they take your top score from each section. So you would actually have a 760M, 620CR, 640W = 2020. A bit on the low side maybe, but not out of it.</p>
<p>I don't think Caltech does composite scoring. If that is the case, your first scores are probably better than the second ones considering the math section is much more important than the writing section to Caltech. Either way, people with your scores and below do get into Caltech. It's worth a shot. Passion for and commitment to math and science is much more important than SAT scores when it comes to success here. The admissions committee knows this.</p>
<p>If I take SATs/ACTs more than once, which results will you consider?</p>
<pre><code>We will look at all of your scores, paying particular attention to the general pattern of scores and emphasizing the highest score for each individual exam.
<p>They clearly do not only consider the highest score on each section individually. Though I don't think they will necessarily weight the highest overall score the most in the OP's situation considering they may very well consider the lower overall score to be more impressive because of the higher math subscore and the fact that the writing section isn't considered as much. It's kind of a special case though.</p>
<p>As noted above, Caltech considers individual scores for each section, and puts most emphasis on the best performance on each section. Composite scores don't matter whatsoever. If someone tells me "2000" for example, I have no idea what that means.</p>