Out of School Clubs

<p>My school has really bad clubs. So me and a couple (about 10) friends decided to make clubs outside school, which meet once a week. Can this be considered as a legit extra curricular in my college application?</p>

<p>It kind of depends. If your club is an organization that helps to improve the community and could be vouched for by an adult, you might be able to make a case. However, just saying that you formed a club with a bunch of friends probably won’t carry any weight.</p>

<p>Yes, the club DOES have moderators.</p>

<p>What kind of club is it? What are your goals?</p>

<p>Well, we started a volunteer club where I serve as President. Every Saturday from 12-6, we visit different places that need our help, such as the animal shelter or the homeless shelter.</p>

<p>Well it’s a legit EC. Remember that colleges will be mainly looking for what you do with the club. Although it’s good that you took initiative.</p>

<p>Definitely mention it. It’s legit, which would be the main concern with a non-school club.</p>

<p>I agree. You should be prepare a short write up of what you do and how you have benefitted the community.</p>

<p>Yes it can be considered an EC. For the relatively few colleges that factor ECS into admission, what you accomplished with those clubs will be important just as would be the case with ECs connected with a school.</p>