Out of State Admissions Shot

<p>could you let me know what you think about my shot at getting into UVA
SAT - 2080 M - 710 CR - 620 W - 750 </p>

<p>AP Gov - 5 AP US - 3</p>

<p>SAT2 M2 - 660 SAT2 US - 620 SAT2 Lit - 460 (huge pitfalls)</p>

<p>GPA 3.8 / 4.33 top 10% of class</p>

<p>Varsity Baseball, Eagle Scout, Presidential Campaign Intern, Presidential Classroom, HOBY, Active Youth Group Member, Numerous Volunteering Campaigns ....... etc. </p>

<p>Claim to fame (what i tried to stress separated me from the field) - My extensive work in, and passion for, political science Tools used to note this - AP Gov and US teacher recs, Eagle Scout, AP Gov score, extensive experience as intern in this year's election</p>

<p>I do not believe I have much of a shot, not being from VA and knowing the incredible characteristics of those who are accepted ..... but I would like to know your opinion.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Also, the AP’s im taking this year: AP Macro AP Micro AP Calc BC AP Lit AP World</p>

<p>anyone? … please</p>

<p>As you know, OOS admission is very competitive. I certainly wouldn’t rule you out, but UVA might be a reach for you.
Though your rank is very respectable, top 5% is more of the # that I’m looking for. Even top 3% to be honest.
Your SAT’s are very good. Your SAT 2’s shouldn’t count against you.
I would have liked to have seen more AP’s during your junior year. You took 2 AP’s junior year>>AP gov and AP-US, if I’m reading correctly? Though, to your credit, you are challenging yourself quite well senior year.
You have a clear passion for politics, that you are able to communicate nicely, even in this little CC blurb. You have some other nice EC’s. I hear that Eagle Scout is highly considered at many universities.
UVA might be one of your reaches, but hey, go ahead and reach. One never knows. You are clearly a competitive/strong candidate who, no doubt, will have many options. Just be sure to have reaches and safeties. Best of luck.</p>

<p>thanks alot powderpuff … I appreciate that </p>

<p>I’m hoping for the best … but as you said, OOS admission is so tough</p>

<p>what else … does anyone else think I have any shot???</p>

<p>… bump</p>

<p>DV, I don’t think you are doing a good job telling your story, and you will need to do that to sell yourself to the adcoms. You talk about passion, and you hint at it, but you really need to explain yourself more. Take a look at some of the other chances threads. Ppl are selling. You need to do that too.</p>

<p>PM me if you need some examples.</p>

<p>… bump</p>

<p>you can only bump this so many times XD …ill help you out with the next bump (:</p>

<p>haha thnks alot</p>

<p>… bump</p>

<p>Im a first year and i got in out of state, our stats arent too different so you definitely have a chance. just to give you an idea…ACT 32, top 5%, 3.9 UW, 4.4 W 2 AP’s junior year, 5 AP’s senior year, 4’s and 5’s on all AP tests, no terribly impressive extracurriculars, just NHS and sports, etc. Make sure you do a really good job on the essays. Good Luck!</p>