Out Of State chances?

<p>Hi guys! I really want to go to Madison for Engineering but I was told by an admissions councilor that no student are assigned departments officially until after the Soph. year. SO here are My stats:
-Out of state
-1st Generation!!
-Asian (Indian)
-3.2+ academic GPA (bad 9th year but have a 3.6+ since)
-Over 50% for class rank (nearly 660 kids)
-HUGE upward trend
-23 Really low but I took the Sept. act...aiming for a 25-ish
-tough senior schedule with 3 ap's and 1 acc. class (1 AP junior year so 4 AP's in career)
-leader and founder for many clubs!!!
-Wresling 4yrs, Tennis 2yrs
-100+ volunteer hrs at hospital and library
-will have great essays; I am really good friends with every teacher at my schools English department
-Top 10 school in state
-I will have excellent rec's from Chemisty and APUSH teacher
-I might apply for Education major-History b/c not demanding as high as other area's
-What do you guys think? Thanks for the input!!!</p>

<p>I probably will apply within 3 weeks…so that may help</p>

<p>Are you over six feet tall and play quarterback?</p>

<p>Neither your gpa, even with improving, nor your test scores look promising. You can apply and see what happens. It doesn’t matter what your proposed major is for admissions to UW- no trying to game the system by what, if any, major you declare on the application. Have other college choices.</p>