<p>I'm from a prestigious public school in New Jersey
3.3 unweighted
5.6/7 weighted
rigorous classes</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>I'm from a prestigious public school in New Jersey
3.3 unweighted
5.6/7 weighted
rigorous classes</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>You should be in .</p>
anybody else please chance me</p>
<p>You do have good SATs. However, how do you rank in your class? Anyone else applying? Explain your definition of rigorous classes, and you need more than grades if you’re out of state, you have to have something other than a 3.8W+, like something that makes you unique so make sure you can sell yourself in the essay.</p>
<p>I’m ranked 160/566, but my school is really competitive. I do know several others applying, but a lot of people from NJ in general apply. As for rigorous classes, I’ve taken almost all honors/ap classes. I am president of a club at school, treasurer at my youth group, and I do lots of volunteering. I think my essay stands out… it shows my humor and personality. Do you think it’s enough to get me in?</p>
<p>Top 25% with a lot of others applying might hurt. Look at it statistically. LY UMD had 28K applicants for 4K slots. How many are many applying from your school 5, 10, 15? Then look at them. I graduated fro a class of over 850 in HS and from NJ. I could easily rack who was above me, same as me or below me. If you have 5 kids and you seem splat in the middle, than maybe your ECs and essay will make you on top, if you feel that the other 4 are applying as safeties (i.e applying to DUke, Notre Dame and UP) than it might be a reach.</p>
<p>You need to realize that UMD only takes @30% from OOS, granted a large % comes from NJ/NY, but they also take internationally. UMD is no longer what someone would typically consider a safety, esp. when US NEWs ranks the school as a public IVY</p>
<p>I went to a prestigious and one of the best public schools in Palm Beach County (South Florida, ranked 170/5000 in the nation) and it operated like a private school due to the amount of APs offered and a portion of the students went to various private schools for elementary and middle school. A good five students applied from my high school and only 2 of us going, me and another girl (both ranked within top 20%, rigorous schedule, fair amount of ecs, decent SATs). The other girl had about an 1180 SAT/ 25 ACT, 3.58 GPA W, fair amount APs and few extracurriculars. You just have to compare yourself to the other applicants from your school like bulletandpima said. Also, you’re school’s grading policy sounds very inflated, so a 5.6 may be like a B/B+, not an A-/A average. A 3.3 is a strong B average, and to be honest, for OOS, you need a strong B+ - A average for Maryland.</p>
<p>Revised: Not going, I went and I transferred back home to U of Miami.</p>
<p>I agree that a 7.0 is inflated. I thought the 6.0 at DS’s was high. (6 = AP/College 5= Honors, 4 = Std) You couldn’t take the AP’s until you went through all of the honors, so nobody grad with a 6, highest was about 5.5</p>
<p>The only way to know if you get in will be to apply.</p>
<p>Also a key difference might be which program you are applying for, engineering I would say it is a reach, liberal arts program you should be in, because your SATs are so high.</p>
<p>I agree with BulletandPima, depends on the program.</p>
<p>I’d say you have an 80% chance for Communication, Behavioral Science, Letters of Arts and Science</p>
<p>And a 40% chance for Business, Engineering, Computer Science, Journalism, Architecture and other programs that are very popular and hard to get into.</p>
<p>Some facts from the website, that might help you</p>
<p>Just so you know that is @25-30%</p>
<p>Here is a link for scholars
[College</a> Park Scholars](<a href=“http://www.scholars.umd.edu/]College”>http://www.scholars.umd.edu/)</p>
<p>Here is the link for Genstone
[Gemstone</a>, Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland](<a href=“http://www.gemstone.umd.edu/]Gemstone”>http://www.gemstone.umd.edu/)</p>
<p>Here is the honors program link
[Honors</a> Humanities :: Home](<a href=“http://www.honorshumanities.umd.edu/]Honors”>http://www.honorshumanities.umd.edu/)</p>
<p>From what we have been told, the niche essay and how you answer particular questions will be a factor…don’t want to work in a group …kiss gemstone goobye!</p>
<p>Scholar students can take honors classes if they maintain a 3.2 at UMD. Also the honors, gemstone and scholars are housed as fresman in particular dorms…don’t get excited, they have linoleum floors, no suites, and are small, but you will make friends with people in your major, which makes bonding easier. (Look at one thread of calling out UMD, the person had problems making friends as a transfer, even Bruins admits it is hard to do, but even harder when you’re not in one of these programs living with 20K kids</p>
<p>Engineering has always been hard core at UMD, Bullet had a hard time during his college exp over 20 yrs ago. Now with gemstone I think it is probably even more difficult, esp., since they are now being acknowledged as a public IVY</p>
<p>Thanks so much everyone!</p>
<p>I’m applying as a marketing major… so I’m guessing it’s competitive. Our school has a website that shows us everyone that applied and if they got in and they’re stats. It shows it in a scattegram graph of GPA and SATs and I’m amongst those who got in. However, there’s 49 people applying this year and it does not list their stats… so according to you guys that’s what it’s gonna come down to. I didn’t know they separate us by our schools? Like compare us to those from our school?</p>
<p>Another thing, I’m also applying to Boston University… do you think it would be harder for me to get accepted there or umd?</p>
<p>WOW! 49 people… I’m shocked, sine you go to a NJ public school, not MD public school. Boston U. and UMD are pretty similar schools, but I feel BU looks more at the holistic approach because they’re a private school and do not have to hold quotas for instate and out of state students.</p>
<p>I didn’t mean that they look school by school, what I meant was to look at your school and use that as a guide/yardstick on how you rack and stack against them. My guesstimate with 49 people applying from 1 school alone in NJ means that the application numbers will be high. Basically you are looking at almost 10% of your class applying…that is alot. In your school case alone 7 kids should get accepted based on the numbers from last year. I know from my Mom who lives in NJ, that at least 5 of her friends grandkids are applying. UMD is very popular for NJ…far enough away from home, but yet still close enough. </p>
<p>If you are in the level of last yrs acceptance than you should be okay. I really think your SAT will help you up and over.</p>
<p>Bruins is correct BU is private so IS/OOS is not a factor, they are just going for the best applicants.</p>
<p>it says that last year 61 people from our school applied and 28 got accepted… but the previous year 58 people applied and 41 got accepted. </p>
<p>wow they accepted a lot of people from my school, but i guess it’s getting harder to get in</p>
<p>njmk: can you post a link to your scattergram? thanks…</p>
<p>you have to have a log in to see it… so only kids from our school can see it</p>
<p>It is getting harder every yr. More and more kids are applying. LY was the highest number of applicants they ever had, I am betting this yr will be too. Did it say how many got Freshman First. and how many got traditional Fall? That is also a factor. Remember UMD does not wait list anybody. You are in for Fall or you are in for Spring. (Freshman First program). So you can be accepted it is just a matter of which route you go in on.</p>