<li><p>fee hikes-- they'd apply to out of staters too, wouldn't they? :( I feel like CAL is an amazing place that I definitely want to stay at, but if the fee hikes happen, it won't really be worth it...</p></li>
<li><p>Is there no form of out of state advocacy/ club etc? I can't seem to find anything....</p></li>
<p>I’m a first year out of stater and I can try to answer:
- Yes, the tuition is high for out of staters. I come from a state where the are no state colleges anywhere nearby that are even remotely close to Cal in prestige, level of coursework, opportunities, etc, though. So, yes, although the fees are high, I really value what I’m getting out of this school, even though I’ve hardly been here a semester. Also, I was awarded a pretty nice scholarship from Cal, so that’s always a possibility for out of staters. Plus if you can get FAFSA, which I don’t qualify for because I’m not a citizen, that would help too. Also think of private scholarships (I don’t qualify for those either
- No, I haven’t heard of any such club, either. In fact, I haven’t met anyone from my state, either. It’s kinda lonely, haha, with no one to talk to about my city. No one else from my high school applied to Cal. But hey, I’m meeting a lot of cool people that are right here from California, so, it’s all good :)</p>
<p>Any other questions, feel free to ask!</p>
<li><p>I come from a state like that too, so CAL is really incredible to me… What kind of scholarship? Regents? I thought CAL didn’t give any other scholarships…Aid’s really not an option for me.</p></li>
<li><p>It’s not about meeting people-- socially Cal is lovely haha! Nobody from my HS applied to CAL either, so I totes get what you’re talking about It’s just that I wish there was a group that could explain financial stuff to me. I know I should probably just talk to the aid office or something. Haha, but …yeah…</p></li>
<p>Yes, I got the Regents/Chancellors scholarship. I’m not 100% sure if Cal gives out other types of scholarships, but my guess is that it does give out some form of aid apart from the Regents one. I’m not sure, though, because I came in as a weird International/Out of State hybrid, which meant I qualified for almost nothing, and it even kind of messed up my regents scholarships…blaahhh. </p>
<p>About financial help, I got hooked up with one through the scholarship I got, BUT I remember that at CalSO (the student orientation in the summer), there was a panel of out of staters and international students who answered questions about these sorts of things. Most of them were 3rd years or something, and I remember them talking about speaking with financial aid counselors to help them through the OOS stuff. Sorry I don’t remember any specifics, because my counselors comes through my scholarship. It might be helpful to talk to an admissions counselor or maybe another CCer can help? :)</p>
<p>Aha! That’s awesome, congrats~</p>
<p>Ugh financial stuff just sucks. It’s mostly bothering me now because of all this talk about 81% fee hikes. I was talking to other out of staters, and we were mostly wondering as to whether the hikes will be applied to OOS fees (should they occur). The general consensus was something like “yeah probably.” Haha, and if that happens…the cost will just be disgustingly high.</p>
<p>I’ve heard from some people that it doesn’t apply to OOS for some reason, something about OOS people not paying CA taxes, but I’m not sure if that made sense. My thoughts on it are:</p>
<li>By the look of the protests here, and seeing all the fliers and stuff, the student body is not gonna let the hikes happen. There’s gonna be blood on the streets (AKA, Sproul Hall, lol) if they do, is my opinion. </li>
<li>If the hikes DO happen and the students don’t succeed in changing anything (who knows) and if I don’t get any more financial help to counterbalance the hikes, I can most certainly say that I won’t be able to continue to studies at Cal The tuition is just gonna be way too much with extra hikes on top. The hikes better not happen!</li>
<p>But yeah, good luck with finding the info you need! :)</p>
<p>Thanks so much for all of your thoughts! Haha, 2:24 AM…CC > Sleep.</p>
Ummm. Just how is the student body not gonna let the hikes happen? The Administration, not the students, actually decide on tuition policy. Students can stomp their itty bitty feet all they want, but if the Administration decides it needs the money, it will vote for the hikes and replace the students who can’t/won’t pay with students who will. Guess Berkeley did not teach you some basic economics, bud.</p>
<p>If the students <em>really</em> got together, I mean, with serious leadership and organization in place, I wonder what would happen if no one went to school. If the hikes are big enough, with no extra aid to help out, there’s gotta be a time when a very large majority is just gonna say, “eff it”. If there are no students, there’s no university. </p>
<p>Of course, it’s not gonna happen, but it’s a thought xD And the hilarious thing is I’m an intended Econ major, LOL</p>
<p>EDIT: Yeah, you can tell that I originally wanted (and still want) to be a Sociology major.</p>
<p>I was wondering the same thing! Like what if nobody. . .went to class. Haha. That’d be crazy.</p>
I very much doubt OOS fees will increase at the rate proposed for in-state students. I say this for 2 reasons:</p>
<li> Cal OOS fees/COA is already at the higher end of the spectrum.</li>
<li> Cal has a stated goal to increase OOS enrollment.<br></li>
<p>Cal cannot increase the fees on OOS too much before impacting its goal. </p>
<p>In-state fees will continue to increase at a higher rate, unfortunately.</p>