Out of state, gap year, chances?

<p>So, I’m taking a gap year off to join the army and do the ECS program after a year of initial entrance training for a linguist post in the military. I really don’t want to attend my current state university due to some personal issues. As an oos applicant, will I be under severe disadvantage? Anyways, here is my stats:</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chinese
State: Maryland
Current Grade: Graduated Senior</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.8 W:4.1 UC GPA: 4.0 :smiley:
Class Rank: Top 5 percent
School Type: Average Public school, send 1-2 kids to ivy per year.</p>

<p>Class Schedule:
A total of ten AP classes in junior and senior year, 2 honor classes in freshman-sophomore year. Depression in the end of my senior year; as a result, grade suffered. (Seniorities?)
Also took four classes in the local community college.</p>

SAT I: The horror.(1600 or something, I wonder how I got that score!)
SAT II Math: 700 World History: 740 U.S History: 690 </p>

<p>EC: Environmental Club, Envirothon, NHS, Gamer’s Club, and Student Page to the Maryland General Assembly</p>

-a merit award from the state of Maryland.
-AP Scholar with Distinction
-Student of the Month
and some other pointless crap.</p>

<p>Gap Year Activities:
U.S Army Reserve: Linguist or Paralegal Specialist
Rank(projected): E-5 Sergeant or Specialist. </p>

<p>I’m going to do a ROTC at any college of my choice, so tuition won’t be a problem.
Oh, btw, my major will be either comparative literature or east asian studies.</p>


<p>with good essays, you have great shot at all. Note, that only Cal and UCLA have a sizeable OOS group, but still less than 10%. All other campuses are less than 2% OOS. But, do look into the tuition issue to make sure that the army will cover the OOS portion. A</p>

<p>yeah, rotc at UCLA is super nice! :D Thanks for the reply! I'm so ready to move to California!</p>