Out Of State Honors Classes

I am an out of state student and I have a few questions on what classes are honors and which are not.

  1. PreCalculus
  2. Calculus Dual Credit 1&2 (Equivelent to AP CALC BC)
  3. Calculus 3 & Linear Algebra
  4. Dual Credit Java
  5. Dual Credit Accounting
  6. IB Language and Literature 1&2

Also, does IB History SL count as “American History” or no?

How do I find which are weighted in the future and which are not?

Long question, I know. I would like to thank anyone who took the time to answer my questions!

  1. IB Language and Literature SL 1&2 (I it’s weird)

For OOS, only AP or IB courses will get the extra weighting in the UC GPA calculation. Capped weighted UC GPA is 8 semesters of these courses taken 10-11th grades. Fully weighted uncapped UC GPA is unlimited semesters of these courses taken 10-11th grades. The UC’s do not give extra weighting to “High School designated Honors” courses.


Thanks for the response!

Are all IB classes weighted or just some of them?

IB Course list for the a-g requirements:


College courses/Dual Enrollment taken while in high school are eligible for +1 honors points when calculating GPA for UC purposes, if they are transferable to UC (see http://www.assist.org ) or otherwise listed as an honors a-g course (see https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist#/list/search/institution ) for in-state.

“Honors-level courses in mathematics must be at the mathematical analysis (pre-calculus) level or above.”
Is that just for in-state or out of state?

There is no “honors level pre-calculus” for out of state applicants that will get the honors weighting.

@gumbymom thanks for everything! Just one last question.
My school has "IB Lang and Lit SL 1 & 2 " but it isn’t even recognized on the UC IB list. Does that make it a non a-g course or?

The list I linked is up to date. You could email UC admissions and ask directly to see if your course would be recognized a-g course. Maybe it is English IB SL which is UC approved Honors?

If students have a question about the application process, call the application center at (800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.) or (925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.) during normal business hours, or e-mail ucinfo@applyucsupport.net.

Ok, thanks for everything!