Out of State student

<p>im applying to u of a soon, and im from florida. i was born in arizona though and my brother went to u of a. i have a 4.3 weighted gpa, 31 act composite. my dad is from india, and i was in debate for 2 years and am in NHS now. i know i will get into u of a and i would probably go to the honors college, but my MAIN QUESTION is whether or not i could get a scholarship from u of a that would cover tuition. since i live in florida, i can get free tuition to any florida school, but i would love to go to the university of arizona. does anyone know if u of a , since its a public university, gives out large scholarships to good students? also, does anyone know what else i can apply for to aid in finances if i were to go to u of a. thanks.</p>

<p>if you are an Out-of-State National Merit Finalist, you will receive the National</a> Merit Finalist Award for $25K/yr.</p>

<p>Otherwise, you should receive the Arizona</a> Excellence Award. On this thread: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-arizona/463293-offered-admission-scholarship-question.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-arizona/463293-offered-admission-scholarship-question.html&lt;/a>, some students posted their stats and the award amounts they received from the UA. Looks like a $10K award would be likely given your stats.</p>

<p>My D is from OOs she got 15000 per year your grades are better.</p>

<p>ASU has a better honors program.</p>

<p>Thats a matter of opinion. See Fiske guide to colleges they are very impressed with U of A honors program. Although you need to mantain a 3.5. Ofcourse it is very hard to compare schools. Everyone has different needs and different majors among other factors.</p>

<p>Barrett is getting a completely new honor school fall 2009, and new dorms.
in 2005 it was rated one the 3 best honors colleges as well....</p>

<p>Do you really feel the need to hang out in the UA board and steer conversations toward ASU that didn't concern the school at all?</p>

<p>just giving him more options.</p>