Out of state students

<p>I heard that Southern pride is so strong at UA that you won’t fit in if you are from the North. I’m really interested in UA so I hope this isn’t true. Can anyone give me some insight on this? Thanks!</p>

<p>Given that well over half of all new freshmen this last fall were from out of state, I seriously doubt what you heard is true. In fact, I think the percentage of oos freshmen has been over 50 per cent for several years now. </p>

<p>My sophomore son from NY would totally disagree.</p>

<p>UA does tend to have a southern feel, but the students and faculty are from all over. Yes, the dining halls will serve dishes like grits, collard greens, fried chicken, and catfish, but they also serve pizza, hamburgers, salads, desserts, etc. </p>

<p>You’ll adjust fine to the South if you let yourself adjust. Some things are different than the area you currently live in, but most things are very similar.</p>

<p>Are there any published stat’s on the percentage of OOS students from Northern states? That’s the number we’ve been wondering about.</p>

<p><a href=“http://cw.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/FreshmenEnrollment.jpg”>http://cw.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/FreshmenEnrollment.jpg&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White”>Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White;
Info from Fall of 2013… details re: where the students come from!</p>

<p>UA publishes stats on the number of students from each state. This number can be misleading as many students listed as being from a certain state might have recently moved there and identify more with another state. m2ck uses the example of how her sons were listed as being from Alabama despite having spent a much longer time living in Southern California.</p>

<p>There’s also the issue of what constitutes a Northern and a Southern State or area. For example, are NOVA, KY, and Southern FL part of the South? Are California, Alaska, and Canada part of the North? What about Texas?</p>

<p>It’s all nitpicking. There will be some, not many, students from all the northern states. The vast majority fit in just fine and have a wonderful experience. My family’s own experience has been that everyone there is incredibly welcoming and friendly. My NY son, his FL and TN suitemates, his RI future housemate, and his NV girlfriend would all agree.</p>

<p>What Chardo said. If you’re from the North and can’t fit in, it’s on you. There’s something for everyone at Bama.</p>

<p>@amy9998 - Thanks for the link to the diagram . . . that’s exactly what I was looking for!</p>

<p>It’s all well and good to say that 60% of this year’s freshman class come from out of state . . . but if they were all from Tennessee (for example), it wouldn’t mean that much. Clearly, that’s not the case. Although quite a few students come from neighboring or nearby states, the overwhelming majority do not. What @Chardo and others have posted about roommates, friends and girlfriends (or boyfriends) coming from all over the United States is probably representative.</p>

<p>Where I attended college, it seemed that everyone I knew came from an island. (Long Island, Staten Island . . .) Bama’s student body seems a lot more interesting!</p>

<p>"“UA publishes stats on the number of students from each state. This number can be misleading as many students listed as being from a certain state might have recently moved there and identify more with another state. m2ck uses the example of how her sons were listed as being from Alabama despite having spent a much longer time living in Southern California.”"</p>

<p>And this is very true of the Alabama students who come from the Huntsville/Madison and Birmingham area. I would bet that only a tiny number of students from the Huntsville/Madison area have southern roots since that area is filled with transplants from the Midwest, West Coast, Mid-Atlantic and some New England states since companies from elsewhere moved entire divisions to Cummings Research Park. </p>

<p>I know that a friend of mine who posts here on CC has a D starting in Bama Engineering this fall. My friend and her H are from Wisconsin. Another friend’s son is in Eng’g at Bama, she and her H are from Illinois, the son was born in NY, but then they were transferred to AL. </p>

<p>I’m curious as to who told this student that “southern pride” is so strong at Bama…lol…Crimson Tide Pride is strong, but I have no idea what “southern pride” is being demonstated.</p>

<p>S2 is just finishing his second year at Alabama with no problems “fitting in” and S3 will start there next year. We’re from Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I can’t help but smile when reading this, just a short year ago i was wondering how my DS would do at Bama. We are from upstate NY. He is happier than we ever could have imagined. All the (of course legitimate) worries all worked out fine, even with the horrible winter travel weather this year. People are people, and he has met a lot of great kids from all over the country (including many from NY!) It is also amazing how much they mature in this first year far from home, i think it is a real benefit in many ways. Roll tide.</p>

<p>Our son will be starting as a freshman from Long Island (NY). On his last trip down he met kids who will be attending in the fall from CA, FL, MO, PA, TX, CT, OH and other states including, of course Alabama. He was asked by three boys from Alabama to room with them. He can’t wait. Roll tide!</p>

<p>Absolutely no problem for my RI son. I actually think they are nicer in the south. Don’t let that fallacy sway you. See for yourself! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Alexisoh: whoever told you that is just plain silly and uninformed. I bet they have never been to the “South”, or perhaps even encountered many people outside a small designated area. When individuals travel and meet new people, inevitably perceptions change.</p>

<p>Looks like I will be in a very small minority transferring from the state of Kentucky.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that last year’s freshmen class was about 6,500 students!</p>

<p>So, 1% of 6500 is 65 incoming freshmen from Kentucky then! Also, look here on Dean’s list for anyone you might know from Kentucky: <a href=“http://uanews.ua.edu/2014/01/deans-list-students-named-for-ua-fall-2013-term-part-2/4/”>http://uanews.ua.edu/2014/01/deans-list-students-named-for-ua-fall-2013-term-part-2/4/&lt;/a&gt; . (Page 4) There are 100 or so names.</p>