Out of State Transfer- help!

<p>Hey everyone. I’m applying to transfer to a couple of colleges (UA and Clemson). I’m currently a sophomore at Texas A&M in the College of Architecture. I’m applying for Art History here at University of Alabama. My gpa is currently a 3.1 (awful) with 37 credit hours. I have lots of extra c and currently a member of Delta Zeta. Was wondering if y’all could chance me on if I am a good candidate for UA! </p>

<p>Thanks! </p>

<p>Hey, I’m a DZ as well…from a gazillion years ago! lol As you know, Bama has a DZ chapter. </p>

<p>With a 3.1 GPA, you’ll likely be accepted. </p>

<p>I’m assuming that the “extra c” is extra curriculars?</p>

<p>wow! Hey fellow sister :slight_smile: lol.
And yes mam extra c w/ volunteer work as well! </p>