Outdoor Action was great for my DD

Atlanta68, OA is in Tuscaloosa. I think it would be great to see some other parts of Alabama, but these new students are probably more excited to see and help the area that they are going to live the next 4 years. Plus this way they get to stay in their dorms, check out places to eat in the area, and things to do (honors usually has night activities.) Its alot of fun for the kids. I believe the new Camp 1840 (or whatever the year is) does leave the campus for the weekend to help out in needed areas in Alabama.

So glad to hear of your daughter’s positive experience. We are going to visit Bama this week for Spring Break. My daughter is planning on doing this program. She considered rushing but is overwhelmed by the process. I’m hoping this program will help her make friends and start her college experience off on a good foot. We are also from Illinois so I’m a little worried about the distance factor.

I think your daughter will make a lot of friends at Outdoor Action. My daughter was very reluctant about going to Outdoor Action, but she really enjoyed it and has made so many friends. Unfortunately my DD did not get selected to be a leader for outdoor action next year, but my DD was able to get into an honors fraternity for the spring semester which she is really enjoying. The honors fraternities are another option which start recruiting in the spring semester once you get your grades for the first semester. I do not remember the name, but there are several of them. She has been enjoying visiting the Orlando area for spring break which is just about an 8 hour drive from Tuscaloosa.

Curious…when will students hear back if they got into Outdoor Action or not? Is it competitive? What can be done to boost your chances (other than sign up early)?

I don’t think the Actions are competitive - I think it’s based on when you sign up. My daughter did Outdoor Action in 2012; I think she signed up in April and TBH I don’t recall when she found out she was in. I’m hopeful someone who has done it more recently can help you with that question.

Outdoor action fills up faster than Alabama Action because they take less students. I know people who waited and signed up later but if you really want to do it don’t risk it. Sign up early. It’s a great experience!

I signed up like a week ago for OA. Hopefully it’s not too late. I took a leap of faith and signed up for Camp 1831 and OA. Hopefully I get into both. My parents actually appreciated this because my family would have been in California by the time regular students move in for classes. I guess things fall in place. Plus avoiding the hectic move in with everyone else seems to be a plus for the family :slight_smile:

Our’s received email notification April 2nd last year that she was in. There is a new person in charge of the Alabama Action program this year.

Selection for freshmen participants is first come first served, but selection for leadership positions for upperclassmen is competitive.

My daughter applied soon after the application for Alabama Action opened this year. She received an email on March 3rd saying she had been accepted.

My son signed up at the 11th hour for Alabama Action in 2014 and there were still several spots open. He’s not particularly outdoorsy (at least he wasn’t before he arrived in Alabama), so it was a good fit for him. It’s also the larger program, so it doesn’t fill up as fast.

This link explains the various programs so you can try to find the one that fits your student best:
