<p>When I visited, the tour guide said that a lot of people come to Middlebury because they like skiing (in addition to academics, etc). Although I like being in nature, I'm definitely not athletic and probably wouldn't be going into the mountains or the skibowl or anything, at least not often. Is there a big focus on the outdoors in terms of social life?</p>
<p>many people are outdoorsy or jocks, but you certainly wouldn’t be alone. i’m a sophomore and i never went to the snowbowl. it just means you’ll have a lot of free time during the winter term, and if you’re taking a hard class, you won’t miss not going anyways.</p>
<p>I’d definitely say most people are pretty athletic and participate in at least one or two varsity sports/club teams/intramural teams or at the very least like to hike or ski. You may find that you are in the minority if you do not do these types of activities. It’s up to you to decide whether or not this is a deciding factor. There will be others who don’t do anything like that but not too many.</p>
<p>Ah, okay. Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>At Middlebury, the opportunities for outdoor recreation (e.g. hiking, skiing, sports) are much better than average, relative to most other schools. On the other hand, the opportunities for indoor recreation (e.g. shopping, clubs, restaurants) may be more limited than at most other schools, given the small size and isolation of the college and town. </p>
<p>If you don’t like to play outdoors, that’s OK, but be aware that the indoor recreation options may not be extensive. This caveat applies to many schools in northern New England and upstate New York, not just Middlebury.</p>
<p>When I applied to Middlebury I definitely would have described myself similarly to aplomb. But after four years there I found myself deeply involved in athletics and outdoor activities. I think that’s what makes Midd and other top schools so good. They expose you to things outside your particular realm of interest and through that exposure you truly learn.</p>
<p>A lot of them like to be outdoors, that’s what I love about Middlebury. But, there will obv be people that don’t like the outdoors,</p>