Outstanding programs at Bama

<p>Mom2? Seems to me you’ve listed some of the excellent programs on here somewhere. What are they? D is unsure of her major, so I thought I’d do some research. </p>

<p>Communications, Public Relations, Chemistry, Biology, Theater and Dance, Music, Engineering (increasingly so, and Bama has several new Engineering Majors that are fairly unique, like Construction and Architectural Engineering), Business, Creative Writing, Social Work, Nursing, Poli Sci and pre-Law (increasingly so, and UA Law School is now very highly ranked), Southern History, pre-Med are all excellent or good. Others might know about other programs that are solid. </p>

<p>And then there’s the [University</a> Scholars](<a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/specialacademicprograms/#universityscholarsprogramtext][b]University”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/specialacademicprograms/#universityscholarsprogramtext) program, the [Honors</a> College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/programs/][b]Honors”>Programs – honors.ua.edu | The University of Alabama) programs, and the [STEM</a> Path to the MBA](<a href=“http://manderson.cba.ua.edu/academics/departments/mba_program/stem_path_to_the_mba][b]STEM”>http://manderson.cba.ua.edu/academics/departments/mba_program/stem_path_to_the_mba) program. For starters. ;)</p>

Public Relations,
Theater and Dance,
Engineering (increasingly so, and Bama has several new Engineering Majors that are fairly unique, like Construction and Architectural Engineering),
Creative Writing,
Social Work,
Poli Sci and pre-Law (increasingly so, and UA Law School is now very highly ranked),
Southern History,
pre-Med are all excellent or good. Others might know about other programs that are solid.</p>

<p>And then there’s the University Scholars program, the Honors College programs, and the STEM Path to the MBA program. For starters. </p>

<p>adding to above…</p>

New College (create your own major)
The Classics
History (seem to me that having a highly ranked Law School and undergrad History and PS depts go together)
Film…Bama is rising in this area due to several factors
Spanish and other FL’s
Philosophy (everyone should take Deductive Logic either honors or non-honors versions…EVERYONE)</p>



<p>The reputation of the university’s philosophy department was one of the reasons Bama stayed in the running back when we were looking for safety schools for our son. Fiske Guide cited it as one of the UA’s top programs. Wasn’t relevant to my kid, but it also sounds like an excellent major for premeds to consider as an alternative to biology or one of the more common choices.</p>



<p><a href=“http://philosophy.ua.edu/”>http://philosophy.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@mom2collegekids‌, is that Deductive Logic class something more suitable for an upperclassman, or could a freshman take it?</p>

<p>Also can design your own minor with New College. My D is super excited about hers!</p>

<p>I believe it is a 1xx class. totally fine for a frosh to take.</p>

<p>My older son took it as a frosh and then was asked to TA it for a few semesters. He was given extra upper-division credit for being a TA, and then paid for the other semesters. Since he got a minor in Philosophy, he used that upper division credit.</p>

<p>My younger son took it as a junior. I believe that it helped him with the MCAT, since the class helps develop critical thinking, deductive, problem-solving skills.</p>

<p>i think every career/major benefits from this class and the further development of these skills.</p>

<p>try to take Dr Torin Alter (super duper prof and super nice) or Dr. Wrenn (also good), but avoid Dr. Rachels (too full of himself)</p>

<p>^^^Thank you!</p>

<p>I concur with M2CK, my kids both took deductive logic. The class is structured so that you can work ahead, this is especially nice b/c once you finish exams you no longer have to attend classes. </p>

<p>Yes, you can work ahead. Some kids get finished with the class after about 8-10 weeks by working ahead. There is no final exam. You complete X number of tests. Honors has 1 addl test.</p>