<p>Has anyone heard back from Outstanding Students of America yet? I thought on the website they were supposed to send a letter sometime in November or December.</p>
<p>okay, so my letter for being a finalist came in the mail today. anybody else received their letters?</p>
<p>I also got a letter in the mail today for this.</p>
<p>Also, I felt like they had too many things bolded and italicized. Rofl</p>
<p>yah, i agree. the different font styles gave me a headache.</p>
<p>I got mine in the mail too, bolded words everywhere! lol
I have been waiting for this one for a while now.</p>
<p>I got mine today too. So we don’t have to write any additional essays or anything?</p>
<p>I don’t think so…just wait for a notification. :)</p>
<p>Be careful ppl, it looks like a scam to me. Please google to see some previous threads here on CC. It’s free now, but you have to pay for some books later I think. Just look at the home page ppl, no winners’ list; overly too simple…</p>
<p>In Jan. 09, I received a letter saying that the $1,000 scholarship winners would be notified by phone call and certified mail in March 2009. Have anyone heard back from OSA?</p>
<p>I haven’t heard back. I really want to though.</p>
<p>I haven’t heard anything, either…</p>
<p>Nope, nothing. I’m disappointed :(</p>
<p>The Outstanding Students of America is little more than an excuse to sell books to parents and grandparents. Inclusion doesn’t help admission chances at any elite (or even not so elite) school. You’ve never seen a college viewbook brag about the number of Outstanding Students of America they have - that tells you how little they value it. However, the scholarship is real - its used as an incentive to get people to fill out the forms. Hope one of you wins.</p>
<p>^ I never filled out the forms to buy any of the stuff they were offering. It doesn’t seem worth it.</p>