<p>ok, my dad said we could visit Hampden-Sydney, but that i coudn't go there my 1st 2 years
a. too far away
b. "i not paying $20,000 e/year.
c.What if something happens? your 2,000 miles away, a 5 hr. plane ride, if you can get a ticket.</p>
<p>Visit anyway. You are only just beginning this process, Wabash, so you may very well find that HS isn't what you want or think it is. Even if it is, a visit might sway your father to think about other options. While visiting, make sure your Dad meets the admssions officer and has a chance to ask questions about financial aid, etc. I have found that admissions officers are usually so enthusiastic about their schools that it is difficult for even the most jaded parent not to become interested. I personally have also found that my "separation issues" have lessened the more colleges my daughter and I have visited. Seeing her talk with admissions officers, students, and faculty have convinced me that she is indeed more mature and ready to fly the coop than I like to think. :)</p>
<p>My parents somehow found a connection at every college I looked at- an old college friend, my Grandpa's old grad school roommate, etc.
I currently go to school 30 or so minutes from my dad's former coworker. They feel much better knowing that if there was an emergency Cliff could swing into town and take care of me in a pinch. Is there someone your parents could reconnect with near Hampden-Sydney? It might help boost their confidence!</p>