Over the limit?

<p>Okay, so the common app is saying that my responses for the short essays are over the character limit when I try to save. However, it CLEARLY says that I have 3 characters left for one of them and exactly 0 characters left for the other. I don't think the boxes allow you type anything after reaching the limit, unless you copied and pasted from a word document. Whats going on?</p>

<p>We cut a big chunk and pasted it, saved it, cut another chunk and did the same thrice.</p>

<p>I did that, but the system is still rejecting it…</p>

<p>You need to leave about 15 chars. It won’t let me submit it when I clearly had 10chars left, but let me submit it when I had 17chars left. -.-</p>

<p>I know, I got SOOO Pis*ed off at the box, too. (“but I DO have 10 effin’ chars left over!!!”)But whaddaya say. You have to do what works. Try leaving about 15 chars, it should work.</p>

<p>Finally revised mine to leave 15 chars, and just as you said, its working now…
Thanks. Now I can finally go to sleep.</p>

<p>My S had the same problem and thought he had resolved it by shortening his response, but when I checked the printed form it had left out the 5th word in the five word description section. I’d be interested to know if any of you have checked the printed form and if your responses were also cut off.</p>

<p>Sorry for the late response, but I just checked my printout and everything was fine. How long (characters) was his response?</p>

<p>Same thing happened to me, and I figured out that it has something to do with the vertical length of the response (including line breaks, etc.)</p>

<p>Even though, on the printout, I clearly had plenty of room, when I simply deleted a line break, it let me save everything. :/</p>

<p>When you copy it in Word, Word automatically goes a few spaces past your last period, which will make the Common App reject it if you had, say, 1798 characters. </p>

<p>Just be very diligent when you copy and it’ll go through.</p>

<p>same happened to me, when I had 1 character left, but luckily it worked when I just deleted 1 character</p>