I’m looking into Gordon and was wondering how people who’ve attended / are currently attending / visited the campus feel about it! I live in California so I’m not able to visit the campus before applying. What I’m mainly wondering about is:
what's the "vibe" on-campus?
are the buildings / classrooms in good shape? (feel relatively new vs falling apart)
is the overall campus nice in general?
how are the dorms? (including the bathrooms!)
what is the town around Gordon like?
how easy is access to Boston / larger cities around Gordon?
do the students' lives reflect the Christian values of the school?
what do students typically do outside of class and during weekends?
what's the weather like?
I realize I could research a lot of this online (and I already have) but I’d prefer to hear personal testimonies
Thanks to everyone so much!
I don’t attend Gordon but I live very close. Many of my past babysitters and tutors have gone to Gordon, as well.
Vibe: a student would definitely do a better job of answering this than I could, but in general Gordon students tend to be very hip/hipsterish. I think it’s unique in this regard compared to some other Christian schools. Students are, of course, very dedicated to Christianity though. It is more liberal on campus than at many Christian colleges down south or in the Midwest.
The campus itself is beautiful. The dorms I have been in are pretty standard- not luxurious and not falling apart.
You will find it difficult to get pretty much anywhere without a car. Many Gordon students bring their own. It is about an hour train ride into North Station from the nearest station. This is not a trip you will make frequently or even once a month, especially if you don’t have a car. The train is mediocre and often breaks down in winter.
September will be warm and humid. By November you can start to anticipate snow, although the big storms usually come between January and February. Expect a lot of snow. The winters are pretty long, (unofficially) from November to late March. It will be a tough transition if you don’t like the cold.
I think that’s all I can answer for you. Hopefully a student can chime in as well
My daughter is thinking of going to Gordon. I don’t have any direct experience with the school, but the kids I know who have gone there REALLY like(d) it a lot. I’ve never heard a negative thing about it!