Overcoming the 60second rule

<p>Just post something and then edit post and repeat that sequence!!!(Ya, I know this is not really overcoming it...)</p>

<p>Good one Tiberian.</p>

<p>i dont get it either</p>


<p>For instance, I can type something now, come back later (as long as the edit option is still there) and type something new and do it repeatedly. (ya, it's lame...)</p>

<p>but then you'd be replying to posts below yours...and that's no good</p>


<p>I thought you were talking about when you drop food on the floor, the amount of time you're allowed to eat it.</p>

<p>And then I was like "60 seconds..eww"</p>

<p>Lmao^^^ isn't the rule like 3 sec? 60 sec is wayyyyyyyyyyy to long to let food drop that had been dropped on the floor.</p>

<p>its called the five second rule, for food</p>

<p>what if you had really slow reaction time.....adn by the time you realized it , 60 seconds had gone by...nooooo...that would suck</p>

<p>i'd hope you have a clean floor then.</p>

<p>yeah...but the five second rule doesnt apply if drop it in a toilet...right?</p>

<p>why would you be eating next to a toilet?</p>

<p>but to answer your question, if it falls in the toilet, just flush the toilet...or if you're really gross you can take it out...and do soemthing with it...like eat it...i shudder at the thought</p>

<p>the toilet situation was hypothetical...im just drawing attention to the fact that the five-second rule can only work at certain times...the surface on which the food is dropped has to be relatively clean, right?</p>

<p>...did you ever see osmosis jones???
It's kinda stupid, but Bill Murray eats an egg after a chimp touches it and it falls on the ground. He then gets a very bad disease, but thats not the point, is it??? :D :D :D</p>

<p>well, it depends, was it 5 seconds or not?</p>

<p>...good point :D I think it was, though</p>

<p>what a stupid thread</p>

<p>why did you post in it, then? you must want to take part in the stupid action...</p>