Overdone, but what are my chances???

<p>I know so many people post this, but I gotta give it a try...</p>

<p>Here's my info:
California,Male, Hispanic
Highly-accredited high school</p>

<p>4.15 UC GPA</p>

<p>SAT: 1970
Bio Sat II: 680
English: 600
Math 2 : 660, (pending score on latest test)</p>

<p>AP Bio: 5
AP Spanish:4
AP Art History: in May
AP Calc: in May</p>

<p>President of religous club
Member of 2 other school clubs
Member of City Youth Council
Member of City Library Council</p>

<p>Track and x-country all 4 years</p>

<p>A couple academic and athletic awards
CSF member</p>

<p>Working part time for 5 months </p>

<p>Interest in biology emphasized in essay.</p>

What are my chances for any of the UC schools, especially Irvine and San Diego?</p>


<p>hey I have similar stats!
anyways you're in for UCI
UCSd ( I want to go here too)..I'm not sure
you should post in the "What are my chances" thread for more feedback</p>

<p>Pretty good shot at both I'd say.</p>