<p>I took my daughter to see Bucknell last week, and as of now, I think it is her favorite. She still hasn’t finalized the list of schools to which she is applying. I am curious as to what schools people are applying to in addition to Bucknell. Any input??</p>
<p>Bucknell has admissions overlap with Lehigh, Lafayette, Colgate, Richmond, Villanova, Wake Forest, and William & Mary. What other colleges is your daughter considering?</p>
<p>Maybe we were on the same tour with you as we were there last week also!</p>
<p>My D also loved it and it is up there as one of her two top choices. Her list - Elon, Lehigh, The College of New Jersey, University of Delaware, William & Mary. Oh, and U. Nebraska and Arizona State but only as emergency financial safeties as they have offered significant merit aid.</p>
<p>My daughter is applying to Boston College, Lehigh, and Villanova. It sounds like Villanova and Lehigh are typical overlap schools. Applying to some financial safeties is a good idea; we need some of those!</p>
<p>All of the patriot league schools have overlap with each other.</p>
<p>Hi im also applying to bucknell along with colgate, hamilton, middlebury, bc, franklin and marshall, and gettysburg.</p>
<p>I hate to increase the competition but that finalized list should be completed ASAP. Does your D know the amount of effort/time it takes to complete the application process …and those multiple essay requirements at each college!!! (4 at Bucknell) It’s already the end of November!</p>
<p>^maybe the OP’s D is a junior? just hypothesizing…</p>
<p>D is a senior. She is aware of all the essay requirements, and her list will probably be shortened because of the essays. I’m sure she will be writing essays over Christmas break!</p>
<p>Her stats:
Rank 7/315
GPA 3.86? unweighted; weighted is much higher, but her school doesn’t do weighted averages on a 4.0 basis
SAT 1440/2330
Looking to major in Bio
Has typical extracurriculars and community service work</p>
<p>I would think very good.</p>
<p>I think your D will certainly get in. My D is there now (similar stats) and even got a generous merit scholarship. Once accepted, don’t be shy to ask for merit money at any school who offers it. Worked well for us. My D is a bio major, your D will love Bucknell, it will be worth the extra essays!</p>
<p>My S was also applied to Colgate, Carnegie Mellon, Tufts, Cornell, SUNY Binghamton and Genesco.</p>
<p>He was rejected at Cornell (interesting, because his sister,two yrs later, w/ exact same stats was accepted–but different college at Cornell) and wait listed at Tufts. Otherwisae, all acceptances.</p>
<p>D1 was accepted at Bucknell and Cornell. Was waitlisted at Lehiegh (We never visited or showed any interest). She applied ED at Columbia and was deferred/rejected.</p>
<p>D2 was accepted ED at Bucknell.</p>
<p>I applied ED for Bucknell…</p>
<p>but besides that, I had a list:</p>
<p>Franklin W.Olin
Boston University