So I've been looking into colleges lately, trying to figure out what I want to do and where I want to go. I've been to NYC once before, last November and LOVED it. I am interested in clothing, fashion, and the fast-paced industry that it is. I don't know a lot about F.I.T, though I have done some research. I am looking into Fashion PR as a possible career and didn't know what the wisest field to major in would be? I was think of FMM (Fashion Merchandising Management), but am not set on it. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it! I am only going to be a junior in the fall so I definitely have time, but want to get a head start to I can be as prepared as possible. Thanks so much in advance!
<p>Hey! I love the city too so great choice, if you are interested in Fashion PR you will want to major in AMC at FIT, which is Advertising and Marketing Communications. That is because Public Relations is under the Marketing aspect although they all correlate in some way. You should enroll in summer or fall Saturday Live Classes for high school students so you can try certain fields and see the school. Thats what I did and the experience was great. I’m a senior now and in 4 more days I will see if FIT accepted me. Hope I helped :)</p>
<p>Wow that’s really exciting! Definitely fill be in on if you get accepted! What program did you apply to? How much to Saturday Live classes cost? Thanks so much for your quick response!</p>
<p>Anytime! The program I applied for is Fashion Merchandising Management. Here are the classes I took:
Soph year - The Ins/Outs of Fashion Merchandising
Junior Year - Photo Styling
Senior Year - The Business of Fashion</p>
<p>The first class I took was by far my favorite, my soph/senior year professors were awesome and we even go on field trips in the city. The cost depends if you are in state or out of state. I live in Jersey so one class was like $300 something (sorry i’m not completely sure - but it says it online) It is pricey but the program is 11 weeks for like 4 hours and it looks great on any college application. I highly recommend it!</p>