Overwhelmed with the choices

<p>My daughter is struggling with a wonderful choice to make, and is having a very difficult time of it. She’s been admitted to Cal, Davis, San Diego, and Irvine (CHP). So far, she loves something different about each one (although at this time she’s leaning more toward Cal and Davis). She can see herself happy at any of these schools, for different reasons. She’s undeclared but leaning toward social sciences. Unfortunately, no financial aid at any of the schools. Of course, it seems that everyone believes that the school they’re at is the best, and of course this really does help as it probably means that she’ll be happy wherever she ends up. I just wish I could help her more. We’re visiting and re-visiting each campus. She’s going on overnight visits to two of them. I’m afraid it could end up being a coin toss!</p>

<p>I don’t imagine there’s really any answer. Just thought I’d share our (happy) dilemma!</p>

<p>[I’ve been “lurking” on this site throughout the process of waiting for acceptances. Thought it was about time I chimed in.]</p>

<p>Ah yes, I am also in a dilemma of sorts....community college or UCSC?</p>

<p>I suggest she write a pro/con list for each school. Doing this really helped my daughter last year to realize where she wanted to be and why. Good luck it is a happy dilemma. :)</p>