<p>I didn't see a thread for Oxbridge this year so I thought I might as well start one. First, did any of you apply for scholarships and what program are you going to?</p>
<p>Hm, might as well reply to this thread since the other one’s buried. O:</p>
<p>But, uhh I applied for an academic scholarship for all the programs. XDD And I just got awarded a partial scholarship to Cambridge Tradition today. :33</p>
<p>I got into the Cambridge Tradition as well with a 50% scholarship! are you going, mijuuki?</p>
<p>I did too! When are you all flying to UK?</p>
<p>hmm i’m not sure yet-I’m not planning to go early or anything cuz i have another camp I’ll be at…but omg so xcited!!
what classes are you taking? i’m doing major:medical science and minor:creative writing. ^_^</p>
<p>Same here! But even with the 50% scholarship, it’s still $4000
I don’t know if I can afford to go… and if it’s worth it. does anyone know anything about the actual experience there?</p>
<p>bump. want more info ;)</p>
<p>I got partial scholarship to go to Cambridge. I’m maj. in international relations and min. in business. </p>
<p>@ubermika, so did you buy your ticket? I’ve bought mine. and I found someone who is also going to cambridge to go together. Where are you leaving from?</p>
<p>I wish somebody would do a facebook page for Cambridge traditions so we could all unite.</p>
I haven’t bought my ticket yet because I’m still kind of deciding whether or not to go…it’s pretty expensive (esp w/flight ticket). But I do wish someone would make a page. I’ll probably make one later xD
did you apply to any other programs (oxford, paris, spain, etc)? I applied to the Paris one too, but haven’t heard back from them. I guess they only tell you which one you got into out of all of the programs.</p>
<p>@ubermika, you should go! Yes it’s expensive but it’s going to be a great experience. Start a facebook page would be great! I don’t know how to do it. if someone knows and does it, it’ll definitely be appreciated.</p>
<p>I’m jealous of you guys! If I had partial scholarship, I’d go! I mean I went to a camp in PA, 3 weeks, cost $4000. You go to an awesome country for 4 weeks. It’s worth $4000, even considering the airfare.</p>
I think I will go. I mean, it sounds AMAZING and I love England <3</p>
<p>But on another topic…
[Oxbridge</a> Summer Academic Programs 2013 | Facebook](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oxbridge-Summer-Academic-Programs-2013/574390192586341#!/pages/Oxbridge-Summer-Academic-Programs-2013/574390192586341]Oxbridge”>http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oxbridge-Summer-Academic-Programs-2013/574390192586341#!/pages/Oxbridge-Summer-Academic-Programs-2013/574390192586341)</p>
Facebook page, done. <em>dusts shoulders nonchalantly</em></p>
<p>bump… :)</p>
<p>where did everyone go? D=</p>
<p><em>weakly</em> bump?</p>
<p>Ahhh, sorry! But yeah, I’m pretty much going!</p>
<p>Cambridge Trad. Photojournalism and Philosophy/Science. :3</p>
<p>We have a group made for CT and there’s only 6 of us right now. Join innnn!</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.facebook.com/groups/612166668813116/[/url]”>http://www.facebook.com/groups/612166668813116/</a></p>