Oxford And Cambridge

<p>How difficult is it to get into Oxford and Cambridge and do they accept transfer applicants?</p>

<p>I find there websites very confusing.</p>

<p>From the United States.</p>

<p>As I understand, you can only apply to one of those two schools. You aren't allowed to apply to both unless you intend to study music of some sort. I don't think English universities have transfer options and the only way to get into them is to take a boat load of AP classes Junior and Senior year. I think the deadline to British universities is sometime in late October of one's senior year, but I could be wrong.</p>

<p>the deadline for british universities in general stretches way into the year after your senior year. But oxford and cambridge are special lol their deadlines are always october 15 of the senior year. i don't think they accept transfer applicants.</p>

<p>oxbridge are more traditional and look for your academic performance and achievements, and your interest in the subject you're looking to study at their university. in fact you can't go in undecided - you're gonna have to choose your major in your application and then be interviewed according to your subject. it's tough to change major once you're in. </p>

<p>both universities are good for the humanities (they are the top universities in england ,of all places, after all), but for science cambridge has a pretty good edge.</p>