<p>I would like to know whether Cambridge or Oxford is better for Engineering. We are trying to choose between 3 options- 1) Engineering, Economics & Management at Oxford 2) Engineering at Cambridge with Management Tripos.
Which is better regarded out of the two?</p>
<p>The app is due pretttty darn soon for applicants from the US -- I'm mailing mine out in the next few days.</p>
<p>I'm applying Cambridge engineering, but both schools have pretty bad impressions of American students from what I can tell. The system here is completely different, and apparently students from the US usually struggle/fail when they get to Cambridge.</p>
<p>Have u figured out whcih college you're applying to within the university yet?</p>
<p>I don't think US students struggle or fail if they get in. It's just usually they don't get in. It is especially difficult in sciences as UK schools believe US applicants are really behind, especially in math (don't post saying your school is amazing and you're not behind compared to UK students. maybe that's true, but they're not going to evaluate every high school in the US on an individual basis I'm afraid).</p>
<p>Plus, they don’t have years of records of different high schools and the specific students from those schools like US Universities do. They treat America as one big pool, it seems.</p>
<p>I suppose they weed out a fair amount of US applicants based on their stats (HEAVY emphasis on AP scores) and then call people for an interview.</p>
<p>My interview is scheduled for early-December, and I imagine that I’ll have to really “wow” to stand a chance…I’m applying for engineering at a specific college where 4 people compete for 1 spot (25% chance of acceptance).</p>
<p>Cambridge is outstanding, and I really hope I can get an offer (probably a conditional one) from them.</p>
<p>I sent in an open application for Classics. I was redirected to Gonville and Caius. I’ve emailed the director of studies for classics and he has replied a couple of times. I got the sense that I was assured an interview - do they put us up in one of the dorms or must we get a hotel?</p>
<p>At interview you get accommodation and food provided by the college, though you usually have to pay (it’s cheap). I was actually interviewed by Caius (but attended New Hall, now Murray Edwards) and I stayed in the modern accommodation which is off the main site. These are the rooms the first year students get. </p>
<p>I would stop constantly e-mailing the DoS though. You don’t want to appear irritating or desparate! Just in case. Remember this person has to decide if they want to work with you for the next 3 years.</p>
<p>I had an interview with Oxford this week, and they asked questions that are more intended on finding out how the students think (analytically, logically, etc.) than whether their ideas are right or wrong. Scholastically, they didn’t really seem to care that much about grades (because their system is so different than ours), but they do want to make sure that the student is challenged. -These are all of my impressions from the interview. They are not necessarily 100% true. I’ll update when I find out what happens next.</p>
<p>I’ve applied to Cambridge as well, to study mathematics with physics at Gonville and Caius. Since I’m doing the IB Diploma programme and go to an international school, I’m hoping Cambridge won’t think I’m behind in any subjects…</p>
<p>Did anyone else apply to any other school in the UK?</p>
<p>Cambridge are apparently mailing out decisions letters on 2 January. International students can ring them on 5 January if they haven’t gotten the letter yet. </p>
<p>Is Oxbridge as strigent as Harvard when they choose the students?
Must we have perfect ielts/toefl,essays and results that are comparable to those of harvard applicants’ standard
Im pretty worried because of this !</p>