<p>I know that this topic has been touched upon before, but when an American applies to Oxford University, I've heard that your transcript isn't even sent to the admissions department because they don't use grades as a determining admissions factor??</p>
<p>I've heard this many times but on their website it says American students need a "stellar academic record," which can be misconstrued very different ways?? Can someone guide me in the right direction?? I'm befuddled :/</p>
<p>Well, when I applied to Cambridge, they did require me to send a transcript. They were the only UK university who required me to do so. I would imagine Oxford would be similar, but perhaps they do not require a transcript. You could email them an ask?</p>
<p>Slightly tangential, but it’s as well to know that when we in the UK talk about grades we mean the results of A-levels etc not internal high school marks, i.e. what we call grades are the equivalent of the results of standardised test like SATs and APs. Otherwise you may get the wrong end of the stick reading UK university websites.</p>
<p>I am actually based in London, though American. To apply to a UK university you have to go to the UCAS website–all applications are processed here. [UCAS</a> Homepage](<a href=“http://www.ucas.ac.uk%5DUCAS”>http://www.ucas.ac.uk) I think you may have to call Oxford–though you apply to a college at Oxford for a specific course of study, not the University as a whole. You probably have to call the college you are most interested in and ask them what scores you put on your UCAS application.</p>
<p>I don’t think Oxford University looks at GPA.
If I can remember, these were their requirements:</p>
<p>-At least 1400 combined for math & reading, and at least a 700 in writing. Meaning, that your SAT score should be at least 2100.
-ACT score should be in the 30s range, I know it had a specific range, but I forgot. Maybe 32-36. Not that sure. @_@
-Two or three AP courses, two earning a score of 5, and the optional/extra one earning a 4, OR two or three SAT II scores that are at least 700. </p>
<p>I don’t know if they have interviews, but those are the major requirements, I think.</p>