
<p>Okay, I know that this is a Yale forum, but since Yale's system residential college system is loosely based on Oxford's, I thought that gave me enough license to ask...</p>

<p>Is anyone, perchance, applying to Oxford? I couldn't find it listed on any of the CC forums or anything - probably because it's a British school... But, anyway, if you are applying to Oxford, know someone who applied, or have scene an Oxford thread on CC, please let me know! THANK YOU!</p>

<p>hiya, I didn't apply for Oxford, but I'm at a British school. Here's a GREAT forum if you're seriously applying for Oxford: thestudentroom.co.uk There is an Oxford subforum full of prospective and current students at Oxford, most of them being British. Good luck!</p>

<p>I have. It's a very nice school. Top rate. There's a thread in college search and rescue(or whatever that first catagory is called) about British universities. Yup, so you can check that out. So, franklin, you filled out UCAS? Isn't it awesome? The US should have a form like that, too. (For those who don't know: UCAS is an electronic form that can be used to apply to any six British colleges all in one go. And it's colorful, too!)</p>

<p>The UCAS form is WONDERFUL! Unfortunately, since Oxford is the only British school that I'm applying to (I think...), the UCAS form was actually more work. I had to turn in TWO apps for one school instead of one. Still, I am so jealous of British students. That system is marvelous. And so very much better than the common app!</p>

<p>I'm applying there, and LSE. I sent in the app a while ago and got confirmation from UCAS, but not the individual schools. Is that normal?</p>

<p>Yeah, franklin, UCAS owns the Common App. Anywho, juice, I got confirmation from the two schools I've got into already, Bath and York, and Oxford emailed me just a few days ago saying they've got my application and that I have arrange an interview. Which colleges at Oxford did you guys apply to, and what did you apply to read? I'm applying to Christ Church to read Biochemistry.</p>

<p>You should apply to at least three or four British schools, what with the convienience and cheapness of UCAS. I applied to Imperial, University College London, University of York, University of Warwick, and University of Bath in addition to Oxford.</p>

<p>juice and tallyrand: Are you two British, American, Swahili...? I was just curious because of the interview process. I had my interview for English in Vancouver, British Columbia, about a week and a half ago. Are you both interviewing (that is, if they offer you - which I'm sure they will) in Oxford? Did either of you do the American interviews? I look forward to hearing from you! It's SO nice to hear from some other applicants! Best of luck!</p>

<p>Well, apparently I will not be applying to Oxford anymore. I decided to talk to my counselor about the forms she was supposed to send after I read this thread, and she did not do them! Can you believe it? She said she doesn't forget about American deadlines but that since this was British, it was different. So she basically screwed up big time. I was applying to Hertford, btw.
I'm still hoping for LSE acceptance though. At least for that one, it's just UCAS, nothing else.
I could have applied to more schools, however, Oxford and LSE are the only two British schools I would go to. If I don't get into LSE, I'll just go to college here in the US; not a bad deal.
I am a French citizen going to school in the US.</p>

<p>Oh my gosh, you're French? You could get EU tuition! NO FAIR. I hope you get in. That's really awful about your counselor. Maybe you could call? They don't really do serious review until December, so I'm told....</p>

<p>loosely based on oxford? more like St. Andrews</p>

<p>Yeah, but Yale says that it's based on Oxford. Bigger name, I guess...</p>

<p>Yale's Residential College System is based on Oxford's.<br>
That's what it is.</p>

<p>That's very true, but siberianlt does have a point. The way it has manifested itself today, Yale's residential college system does seem a little more like the system at St. Andrews than the one at Oxford.</p>

<p>Quetzal thank you SO much for the forum suggestion. Do you know how to post on that forum? I made myself a user name, but it still won't let me...?</p>

<p>franklinbrown - I think you have to go back to your e-mail address to activate your account before you can post</p>

<p>thankyou franklin. if it isn't the folks at St. Andrews sure seem to think so.</p>

<p>I just had my application delegated to two more schools: Lincoln and Jesus. Anyone else?</p>

<p>I am very ignorant when it comes to foreign universities. How would Oxford compare to a school such as Yale?</p>

<p>Oxford and Cambridge are like the Harvard, Yale, Princeton of England.</p>

<p>Anyway, one of my good friends is applying to Oxford. He's already had one interview. He thought it went really badly because the person asked a lot of tough questions. He had to do a commentary on a poem and all of this crap that American's don't have to deal with. However, he was just contacted for a second interview that is going to take place at Oxford itself. Crazy British.</p>

<p>Bok's right about the level....
Oxford and Cambridge are organized a little differently, though, with a large amount of independent study and individual advising by profs---> somewhat like Princeton's junior project/senior thesis/precepts. Princeton was modeled from the Oxford/Cambridge format, and that is one of my main reasons for loving it. =)</p>