PA Governor's School 2009

<p>Who on CC is planning on applying to a governor's school this year? Which one(s) and what county are you out of? I'm applying to sciences from Lycoming.</p>

<p>Hey everybody the applications are up!</p>

<p>gov school for health care was such an enlightening experience. i encourage anyone who has a real interest in health care and the desire to learn to apply. essays are extremely important</p>

<p>I'm only a sophmore so I'm not sure if I should apply to Global Entrepreneurship this year or to wait for International Studies next year. I'm also intrested in the Health Care program as well. Ugh, I wish you could do more than one.</p>

<p>bumping, as the apps are due in a week and a half</p>

<p>hey, i’m applying to science too, from bucks county.
how do you like your chances?</p>

<p>seth. im from bucks county too. haha. i was a gov school for health care alumni. i would suggest very strong essays as they are probably one of the most important</p>

<p>haha, what high school? im neshaminy. if you live in bucks, then you’ve probably heard of it.
It works out well because my sister is home from college to help me edit my essays, and she’s one helluva writer/editor.
I just got ACT scores back and did well, do they have any influence you think?</p>

<p>Hey all – my son isn’t old enough for PAGS yet – any suggsetions for a rising 9th grader?</p>

<p>We’re from Bucks too – he’ll probably apply for Art when he is old enough – I like that he loves art & music, but he is really gifted in math & I hate he doesn’t enjoy the math/science end.</p>

<p>I would definitely say he should apply to the art one. They consider extracurriculars, and if he doesn’t like science/math he probably won’t have any in that area. Plus it won’t be fun for him. Definitely encourage w/e his passion is, thats always a good idea.</p>

<p>Someone asked about my chances…I feel pretty good. I’m in a very rural area, so the competition is a little thin (if you didn’t know, applicants are compared regionally not across the state). I feel pretty good about everything, academics in particular. Transcript is about the best I could have done at my school, and my test scores are rock solid for my area, esp. my PSATs which are great anywhere. I think my essays are pretty good, but I’m sure there will be better ones. As for ECs, they are decent, nothing spectacular, but a few unique things. And recs, I know the math is really good because I saw it, and my counsolur (sp) likes me. The science one might not even be in yet :open_mouth: so I have to get on that. So I feel alright. BTW, this post was a stress reliever if you can’t tell.</p>

<p>Im applying for Global Entrepreneurship. I think my Resume and Reccomendations are pretty strong, but I’m kinda confused on how to do my essays. I have a bunch of ideas for the cheif essay, but it keeps feeling like I’m a consultant when i write. I get thrown off by the “state the issues and provide possible solutinons/approaches” direction.</p>

<p>i’m from Allegheny, so there will be some fierce competition in my area, and applying for science, even more competition!
but i’m using my favorite college essays that i spent like a gazillion hours on and really like. the narrative on though i had to tailor some to fit their exact question.
**kosoccer7 **: my suggestion is to write as if you were talking to the admission officers. i don’t suggest write a factual essay. i’m not sure what you’re writing about with the problem and solution direction there, but make sure that when you read it, your essay will show some aspects about your personality like determination or something.
good luck everyone! we’ll see what happens in april!</p>

<p>i’m from montgomery county
applying to international studies & global entrepreneurship
i’m liking how global is due in a month:):slight_smile:
(as opposed to IS in 2 days where i have yet to finish writing the chief essay!)</p>

<p>So I’m writing my chief essay for Info, society, and technology, and I’m really going all out. I’m talking about some advanced (for me at least!) physics, and there are some things I would like to research. Should I write my essay like a research paper, citing wherever I went beyond the comforting realms of common knowledge, or should I just keep the facts to a minimum to avoid this? I’d really rather not waste the space (we’re supposed to have 2 pages) on a bibliography, and I feel like if I start citing things, the admissions officers will think the paper is less of my work and more of regurgitation of someone else’s.</p>

<p>I don’t think research paper is what they are going for in the essays. Also, are you sure you can explain something advanced to you AND get the original point of the essay across effectively in two double-spaced pages with size twelve font (~650 words)?</p>

<p>I just looked at the prompt and now I’m curious, how are you fitting physics in anyway?</p>

<p>Well, as you saw, part of the prompt is to address how technology can solve a social issue, whether that technology is possible now, or theoretically possible in the future. My technological solution isn’t widespread now, but it is theoretically possible, and I briefly explained how it would work. That explanation required a bit of physics.</p>

<p>when they say that you should include either footnotes or a bibliography in a 2-page max essay, is the bibliography part of the 2-pages max? Or could it be another separate page just for the bibliography?</p>

<p>^For which school?</p>