<p>Can anyone give me feedback about the Pace audition? I see there is a tap component and my daughter has never taken a tap class, though she is proficient in modern/jazz and to a lesser degree ballet.</p>
<p>Last year the tap was minimal, maybe 15-30 mins tops, and I don’t think it is a deal breaker. Ballet however would be another story. The Pace program is extraordinarily competitive and the strongest candidates are going to have a fairly strong foundation in ballet.</p>
<p>Curious if anyone went to the Pace College Audition/Fall Intensive this past weekend? My D was going to go but had to reschedule bc of her injury. Wonder how crowded it was and how it went?</p>
<p>Hey! Current Pace BFA Commercial Dance Major here! I helped run the event!! Overall, we had 72 girls attend the intensive with 29 of them (seniors that is…) audition for the program on Friday night!! I helped assist some of the classes and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun!! If you want to see pics of this past weekend, I just uploaded pics on Facebook. If you look at Pace University Commercial Dance’s page you can see the whole album!
<p>@ohiodancer5678 Will there be a spring intensive?</p>
<p>@jedwards70 There will not be a spring intensive, but we will be offering the fall intensive again next year! </p>