<p>so...I am currently a sophomore at Wash U and am hoping to apply to medical school after junior year. By the time I apply, my overall GPA will be for sure be 3.5+ and let's just say my MCATs will be around 32 even though I haven't taken them yet ..here's the catch: my science GPA at the end of this semester will be 3.08-3.10 and I will be done taking all the pre-med science reqs (I am a humanities major). If I take BS science classes next year I can probably bring my science GPA up to a 3.25-3.3 and take my chances applying to med school so umm how lame will it look that I took "solar system astronomy" and "intro to environmental studies"...maybe even "stars, galaxies, and the universe" ahahah..oh god. help. =)</p>
<p>That would be a significant no-no. People would notice.</p>
<p>The problem is not easy classes. The problem is obviously easy classes.</p>
<p>Yeah...like I took a Sophomore Honors Chemistry Seminar as a GPA booster...but that had an Honors designation on it...It was an easy class - for the most part. (I had to put together what amounted to a mini text book from all the stuff we covered, which ended up at more than 50 pages, but there were no tests and only 5 of us in the class). And it appeared like either an honor to be in it, or a difficult class.</p>
<p>"o umm how lame will it look that I took "solar system astronomy" and "intro to environmental studies"...maybe even "stars, galaxies, and the universe" ahahah..oh god. help."</p>
<p>I took a more-challenging physics course with a MUCH more generous curve. I had to do more homework, take more challenging tests, and learn harder material, but the prof gave out 60% A's and 40% B's. Meanwhile the "normal" physics track had easy homework and tests but got 15% A's and 30% B's.</p>
<p>So I managed to score points for taking a harder course AND for getting the better grade. (I would also claim a boost to the MCAT score, but I'd already taken the MCAT before then.)</p>
<p>The problem isn't that you're taking easy science classes. The problem is that you're taking classes that are OBVIOUSLY easy.</p>
<p>point taken. thank you</p>