<p>Would a college see joining SGA only as a senior as simply padding a resume? Or would they see someone involved?</p>
<p>Depends what you do with your involvement. Going to weekly meetings and doing nothing else would probably be seen as just padding. Doing something more impressive with it wouldn’t be.</p>
<p>Agree with the previous post. If you can demonstrate real impact in your short time with SGA, then I doubt adcoms would simply see it as padding.</p>
<p>Common on… if you’re going to be just another member, you might as well not join because by senior year you should be participating in MEANINGFUL activities. When application time rolls around and you have nothing significant to say about your clubs… officers will know you just joined because you wanted to put it on your app.</p>
<p>Well about my EC’s (this will be after my senior year):
I’ve been in Math Team for 4 years
I’ve been on It’s Academic for basically 4 (Alternate this year, captain next)
I’ve been on ping-pong club 4 years
I co-founded the Latin Club this year (co-pres. next, board this year)
I’m in NHS, Sci. NHS, founding Tech Hon. Soc. now…</p>
<p>The point is, I’m interested in SGA (really), but I never did it. Would it HURT me because I’m padding?</p>
<p>If you’re truly interested in something, do it. Don’t worry how adcoms will view it.</p>
<p>If you’re really worried about it appearing to be padding (which I don’t think it would given your other activities and it is something you want to do) than don’t list it and then it’s not an issue.</p>