Paid part time job vs. Unpaid internship

<p>So basically as a first year student, I am currently employed as a sale associate at a retail store. Today I just found out how there is an opportunity for me to apply for an unpaid internship at a local charter school that I volunteer as a tutor for. These internship positions will mostly involve assisting school faculty and performing administrative duties in office setting. However, this unpaid internship requires a minimum of 10 hours of work per week, which would make my retail job hard to handle on the top of my school stuff. So, the question comes down to: should I apply for the internship and quit my part time job if offered?
I am one of those fortunate ones who have grandparents that are generous and wise, therefore I won't be suffering financially if I stop working. I am just curious how would this internship experience (if I actually got it) looks like on my resume even if it's unpaid. Do employers value internships that are unpaid higher than part job?</p>

<p>Oh and just a little bit more about myself, I am currently a BA Psych major minoring business and looking into the HR field. I feel like this internship can be helpful for me in developing networks and interpersonal skills, however I am not interested in pursuing education as my profession so far (but who knows...I'm only 19 XP)</p>

<p>Thank you for your time and inputs!</p>