Hey, Everyone!
I am a current undergrad student in community college. I’ve been taking my time to make sure I pass everything and get the grades/gpa that I desire. Being a Pre-Med student and looking to become a Doctor, I’ve been trying to figure out the best job to get paitient care experience, clinical experience, etc. I’ve been looking at Medical Assistant and EMT/Paramedic, and I currently Volunteer at a hospital. Out of those two, as well as any other suggestions you all might have, what would be my best option?
There’s a big different between a EMT-B and a EMT-P (paramedic). EMT-B is a one semester course (or a 6 week intensive summer class). EMT-P requires a 2 year full time degree program. Which one are you considering?
If you are looking to actually make money working in a patient care position, I would check the local job market. In many areas, EMT-Bs can’t find paid employment because there are just too many of them. EMT-Ps, OTOH, can always find a job.
Working as either a MA or EMT is fine. Neither is better than the other.
Some nursing homes offer CNA training.
For time purposes I would say EMT-B.
EMT-B, CNA, or MA will all offer you patient exposure.
Pick the one that offers you the best opportunity for paid employment (if you’re looking for a paying job), or pick the one that appeals to you the most.
Before enrolling in an EMT class, ask around to see what kind of positions EMT-Bs get locally. The scope of practice of an EMT-B is actually quite limited and varies by state. In some areas, the EMT-B just drives the bus (ambulance) or just does patient transport (pushes wheelchairs or gurneys).
Thank you so much! I looked into CNA, but I feel like MA or EMT is more of my liking. I definitely want a paying job and more so one that I get contact with paitients to get an idea what it’s actually like to work with them.