Pamplin Business School Scholarship

<p>Hey i got accepted early into the Pamplin School of Business and I was wondering if there were any scholarships specific to that school that I could apply for because I've been told that I have above average statistics for that school? I know there are a few general scholarships but i feel like the engineers will most likely scoop those up so i'm thinking this is my only chance.</p>

<p>Yes, there is a Pamplin scholarship. It’s not much… I believe it is approximately $4,000 in total… at least that’s what it was when I received it. It is contingent on maintaining a GPA of a 3.0 or higher. </p>

<p>If you want to apply for it, hurry. The deadline is next week!</p>

<p>[2011-2012</a> Pamplin College of Business Scholarships | Undergraduate Programs | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]2011-2012”></p>

<p>alright thank you, that will be a nice option but that is only for current students who have completed at least one semester so i cannot receive yet. Do you know if it is hard to get thought after a semester? Are there certain grades that get you it?</p>

<p>Maybe I sent you the wrong link. I know that I got a Pamplin scholarship straight out of high school. Talk to the career advisor at your high school… she was the person who set me up with the application.</p>

<p>You may be eligible for the Pamplin Freshman Merit Scholarship. It gives you $4000 distributed over 4 semesters ($1000/semester). I got it straight out of high school and I didn’t apply to anything, they just sent me a letter in the mail saying I qualified for it.</p>