Panhellenic Preview Registration Open

<p>Saw on Twitter that the online registration for Panhellenic Preview, March 26, is now open. Here’s the link: <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>One the website it says that there will be individual parties hosted by each of the sororities that are invitation only. Does anyone know how we can go about getting invited if we’re from out of state and not connected to the Alabama Greek system like some other girls might be?</p>

<p>We were in that boat last year…being from out of state and no connections at Bama. My daughter was a legacy to two houses on campus. I am very active in my Alum group so I called my National office and spoke to the woman in charge of the Bama chapter. She arranged for my daughter to be invited to the activities that the house was hosting during Preview Weekend. In addition her Grandmother also called her Nationals and arranged to have my daughter invited to that house’s activities. My daughter also stayed with a member of the sorority I am affiliated with. Since last year the rules have changed and PNMs are no longer allowed to do this…kind of sad only in that she got to stay in Tutweiller and that gave her an idea of what it would be like in the fall. Preview weekend is alot of fun! I highly recommend it for both you and your daughter. Saturday will be a full day of information. Bring a notebook to take notes. I haven’t looked on the website but the first round of meet and greets actually began this weekend…did they list that as well? There will be a weekend devoted to pre-recruitment each month until May. If you know people who have ties to sororities and some pull with their national office you might ask them to call for you. The houses ask members for names of girls to send cards and invites to in December. Those girls are then put on lists and that is how they recieve invites. Don’t worry !!! Not being invited is not a disadvantage. If you have questions about the process I am happy to answer them. Have two of my three girls go through this process at two different schools…one at Bama and one at a local state school. My one at Bama holds and exec position in her house for next year and my other daughter is now head of Alum housing for her sorority at Georgetown…so ask away…am more than happy to help. If you are going to Preview Weekend get your hotel reservations now…there were over 1000 girls last year and rooms go fast. Recruitment at Bama is exciting …what a fun time you have ahead of you. Again am happy to answer any questions. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We were in that same out-of-state boat last year. For some houses, I asked people who I knew were writing recs for my daughter to contact their chapters at Bama. Most people easily found email addresses for the recruitment chairs either on the Panhellenic website or their National website. This did result in some invitations for the winter/spring events. My sorority has a “legacy introduction form” that I filled out and submitted for my daughter. She was also invited to their events. I know most chapters at Bama have members submit lists of people from their hometown or general area - so even if you are out of state you might know a few.</p>

<p>There are obvious disadvantages to being from out of state. But keep in mind that there are some advantages. One is that it is a bit of a novelty and an easy conversation starter during recruitment. Another advantage is that people don’t know every detail of your life - some of those in state girls are judged for things they did in middle school or something their friends or a sibling did. You will be judged more by your resume and personality.</p>

<p>I totally agree with ahpimommy - the hotel rooms for Preview Weekend will go fast. With the new rules that prohibit the incoming freshman from staying with current members, the hotel rooms will be at even more of a premium this year. Good luck and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>If you plan on rushing, is it highly recommended that you attend this preview? I want to rush but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it this March! Does it hurt you to not go?!</p>

<p>I am not sure that this is a “have to” event but I would certainly tell you to go if you are at all able. We are from out of state and came into this process not exactly sure what to expect. oh…we had been told (ok warned) that it would be like nothing we had ever experienced before and I have to tell you that all of our info people were more than correct. that being said my D will tell you that going through recruitment and pledging has been one of the best experiences of her life! She LOVES her sorority and has become very involved in her house (she is involved with recruitment as well as planning homecoming fall '11) as well as Panhellenic and will be planning and implementing several Greek events next year.<br>
So… I would tell you to go if you are able. There is SO much information given out that day! Each sorority will have a “brag” table set up with pics from swaps and activities as well as memorabilia, financial info and several girls available to answer questions and chat with. My D really enjoyed going from table to table collecting info, meeting and talking with the girls from each house. Panhellenic puts on a great program both for the girls and their parents. My D enjoyed visiting all the houses (even if it was for a very brief time), getting to see inside them and getting to quickly meet several girls from each house. If I remember correctly she said that a lot of the houses did video presentations so there was not a lot of time to talk to the members. After the parent program was over and we met up with our D’s some of the houses remained open so the parents could peek inside as well. My D was a legacy to tow different houses so we did go over and visited each for a while and she then was invited to go out with each house later and again to brunch with both of them on Sunday morning. She was also invited by several other sororities to activites and events they had planned for PNM’s that weekend. We arrived Friday afternoon and actually did not leave Tuscaloosa until late Sunday afternoon to drive the 12 and 1/2 hours home. I had to pry her away! She REALLY did not want tot leave.
We also spent some time just wandering the campus. When we had done her initial tour the campus seemed so large and spread out but Preview Weekend gave us time to walk it more and we discovered that it was not nearly as big as it had first felt.<br>
I also would add that if gave us a chance to check out clothing for recruitment, chat with other mother’s and PNM’s about rec letters and we even made some new friends!
So go if you can. It was a wonderful experience!
If you can’t go I do not believe that not attending will hurt you. My D’s roommate did not attend but did go through recruitment, had a full preference card and received a bid from one of her top choices (oh by the way she is also from out of state).
If you have more questions let me know. Good luck…and have fun! Roll tide.</p>