Panic! Do UCs not like stereotypes?

<p>Does anyone know how UCs (and I guess any other school for that matter) feel about referring to stereotypes in your essay?</p>

<p>i.e. Asians are good at math, Asians play piano well, Asians are bad drivers...I can only think of Asian examples sorry.</p>

<p>Asians are bad drivers? Ive never heard that one.</p>

<p>Be careful with them, it depends on how you use them I think. If you are saying that you have been called these stereotypes unfairly, then that might be ok.</p>

<p>How are you using them?</p>

<p>No, stereotypes are quite bad don’t use them. Even positive ones.There are better things you could write about :)</p>

<p>Unless of course you’re referring to the fact that asians are bad drivers. We all know that one is true! :P</p>

<p>i think you used your stereotype fine in your second essay peaceofcake. i actually did something similar on my first essay. personally i think it’s a great idea, taking a stereotype that has affected you and trying to overcome it.</p>

<p>The way I used it is this: I referred to it and how I overcame it eventually. It isn’t ESSENTIAL for my essay, but if I took it out, it would definitely take out some of the more unique elements of my essay and I would have to change a lot of the focus around. It would become a normal “overcoming a challenge” essay.</p>


<p>asians really are bad drivers.</p>

<p>I very reluctantly get into cars with asians. My friend (who’s asian) almost crashed into a tree and hit a curb, and actually went the wrong way on a one-way street all within like 30 seconds. Although there were 5 of us (3 girls) in the car and he only had his license for a few months.</p>

<p>***… i’m asian myself and i have a lot of asian friends and we’re all very good drivers…</p>

<p>Hey yeah well, most people say I’m reckless but I’m actually a GOOD driver because I’ve been able to avoid major problems despite my irresponsible driving. I don’t mind hitting curbs. When I’m parking, I know I’m going to hit one, but I’m too lazy to try and avoid it. As long as I end up in the spot, who cares? haha</p>

<p>Any thoughts on UCs hating stereotypes?</p>

<p>Haha. ^ Joking. But that actually did happen.</p>