Panicking right now! Please help!

<p>My daughter took a few classes at her high school that were APs, and she also got credit through a local university for them. She listed that university on her applications. There was some miscommunication...anyway we just realized we should have sent transcripts from that university to all the schools she applied to.</p>

<p>The problem is that one of her schools had a deadline of Nov. 30, she had everything in by November 1 and her online status says her application is complete and being reviewed. (huge state school). What happens if we send the university transcript now-will they pull her application out of review and realize that it was not complete by Nov. 30?? Also she has one that had a December 10 deadline-her online status shows it's complete, so what will happen when they get this transcript? Will they consider that she didn't make the deadline??</p>

<p>We are both freaking out right now. The one with the Nov. 30 deadline is her first choice school. She already got into her "safety" without sending the transcripts.</p>

<p>Please help-should we send the transcripts now? Wait? I cannot sleep tonight worrying about this......thank you.</p>

<p>Don’t panic and don’t lose a good night’s sleep. I’m a college rep (who should also be sleeping about right now!) and while I can’t say what any other school would do in this situation, just know that there is a lot of processing time built in behind the scenes for folders to become complete. I would call in the a.m. and explain what happened. No one is going to penalize a student if they didn’t already know that the materials were late–your call isn’t going to raise that red flag. Requiring an original college transcript in situations like the one you’ve described would be a highly variable requirement among colleges so this isn’t one of those “no-brainer” issues (not that there are many of those). Just don’t let this keep you up all night! </p>

<p>A friendly admission officer from the University of Richmond. . .</p>

<p>Thank you for your reassurance, I am just sick about this…I am so afraid her chances were jeopardized by our stupid mistake.
Thank you for your kind answer, I will call them in the morning. I guess I will ask them what I should do. It does say on the application to submit transcripts. It was a mistake on our part.
Thanks again.</p>

<p>Aren’t the classes reflected on her high school transcript? If so, I’m not certain I understand why a separate university transcript would be necessary, and I would be surprised if anyone requires it.</p>

<p>Actually JHS you are correct-they were her high school classes (AP English, AP US History, and another history) and they were taught by her regular hs teachers-I guess the teachers were approved by the university to teach the class? The school really presents it as a backup to the AP tests-you pay $200 per class for 3 credits from the local university. Then if you don’t score high enough on the AP exam to get credit, you can try to use these transfer credits.</p>

<p>Your post calmed me down a little bit, thank you. They are listed on her hs transcript along with her grade. I just don’t know if the transcript indicates the university credit on it. That might be okay though.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Follow UR’s advice but I agree with JHS. Get some sleep. All classes were reported. It will sort itself out when y’all are seeing if any credits are given for the classes . And that’s a good bit down the road. Sleep.</p>

<p>Thank you. Hopefully I will find out what to do tomorrow.</p>

<p>Ugh, just checked the status on another one of her schools (not her first choice), and it shows that everything else is in but they are waiting for the university transcript. Yikes.</p>

<p>have the transcript sent overnight mail. then sleep!</p>

<p>if its on her transcript, but you need the university transcripts for credit purposes, its nothing to lose sleep over, it would come into play in regards to picking courses,if she can take higher level courses, or if they accept them at all. We had this issue with 12 college science credits, the university decides how and what to do with the credits.</p>

<p>You could even fax the transcript with a notation that the officail transcript is being sent, especially since the grades were already on the HS transcript. S had this situation as well & didn’t send out the U transcript (only had one course taken at the U–a summer course in statistics). None of the Us were very concerned & none seemed to penalize him. I think we only sent the final transcript to the school he ended up attending.
I’d sleep & talk with the HS college counselor in the morning.</p>

<p>S2 took two courses at our Comm. College through our school’s College Experience program. The classes counted for h.s. credit (appeared on his transcript). He also got college credit for them. We sent a letter to the colleges he applied to explaining the program and just sent a transcript from the Community College at the end of his senior year when his final h.s. transcript was sent.</p>

<p>If I understand this, I would not panic. My son took a dual enrollment class through his high school and a local university. His grade was on his high school transcript for the class. My son did not send any college transcripts for this class when applying to college. He was accepted to 10 schools without the transcript. We never even thought about sending it. It just did not occur to us. My son sent the college transcript only to the school where he enrolled as a freshman. He received college credit for that class. </p>

Thinking about it, I guess it did not occur to us and nobody asked, because he took the class as a senior! Big difference. There wasn’t a grade yet to send. Some schools did ask for either first quarter or midsemester grades senior year.</p>

<p>OP here! Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to post. I called the college today, they said they do not need the university transcript for admissions purposes. The admissions rep pulled up my daughter’s file and said everything is complete. They would want her to send the transcript later on if she is admitted to see if the credits would be accepted.</p>

<p>I am now going to send the transcript to the rest of her choices, just to make sure.</p>

<p>I will sleep so much better tonight! I was really making myself crazy.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>


Nighty, night. Glad it worked out.</p>

<p>Curmudgeon - Welcome back.</p>

<p>I’m never that far away. I’m like CC’s version of that toe-nail fungus. ;)</p>

<p>cur! where the heck have you been!? the silence from your neck of the woods has been deafening! How’s midge doing this year?</p>


<p>How’s midge doing this year?</p>

<p>Finestkind. Having a ball. I see signs that she is achieving a more balanced life. Next stop : med school apps.</p>