Paper application check up

<p>I was wondering how I could check up on my V tech paper application?
I had to do paper app. because of a fee waiver.
I called them ,but they said they have too much paper work,so call later.
Is there a way to make a guest pass or something? or do I have to wait until they give me an email they got my application?
I'm just worried because I don't want to wait a week and find out that my application didn't make it to V tech.</p>

<p>Who did you talk to in the admissions office? I have a history with them, and have never encountered someone saying “too much paperwork” since there are so many people in the office.</p>

<p>Anyway, you will have to wait until you get the guest account email. I used the paper app when I applied when I was still in high school and I had no problems. And yeah, it usually does take awhile to get mail to Blacksburg, I had to wait about 2 weeks to get confirmation of Tech receiving something. Usually it only takes a day or two for them to put info into the computer so it can be posted online and such, because they process mail as they get it. No need to worry.</p>

<p>Yeah I talked to the undergraduate admission office person, I told them I never got a guest pass ,but they kept telling me I should of got one. They said they got a lot of papers while they were out during winter break is what they told me.</p>

<p>When did you send it?</p>

<p>If it was over winter break then it makes sense…the office was closed from December 18 until January 2nd. So if you called yesterday, then naturally they’d be behind since they were closed for Winter Break. Not only that, but the student workers are still out on winter break, so they’re working with even less staff to process mail, file, sort, and enter it into the computer.</p>

<p>An email for the guest account should come within 48 hours of the Processing Team receiving your application. It’ll probably be sometime this week. Just be patient. If you really are concerned, call them around Thursday or Friday in the morning (the mail doesn’t come in right away…so if they are all caught up it won’t be too busy).</p>

<p>I send them before the break so I send it on, December 17th on the Friday. As a priority mail so they said it probably took 2~3 days.</p>