<p>Hi Everyone! I'm one of the newest members around here, but I already love this site and am so grateful for what I have learned in just a few days. I don't know if anyone has ever started a thread like this before, but I figured it is worth a try. This is just a place to chat with other members. It's a place to get to know each other a bit and make friends and take a break from all of the pressures and concerns we all have. Right now I'm celebrating the hint of spring in our NJ air! After over 40 inches of snow this winter, the torrential rain and wind over the weekend, 24 hours without power, and many trees down on major roads, this warm, sunny day feels really good! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Everyone! Sending a Smile, DoveMom</p>
<p>Hey DoveMom. Nice to meet you! There is the perfect place for this thread and posts like this, and you will see it at the top of the Parent forum… See the link at the top called “Parent Cafe”? That’s where we chat about vacuum cleaners, growing old, problems with our jobs, gardening and travel trips, and everything and anything that is not directly applicable to colleges. Please jump on over there and join us! :)</p>
<p>Thanks Anxious! See, I didn’t even know I was “reinventing the wheel!” Woo hoo! You guys are smart and with it! Ha!</p>