Parent Doing EMBA Program While Daughter In School?

My daughter is currently in school at UA. I recently learned that there is an Executive MBA Program that I could do on select weekends in Tuscaloosa or Huntsville. We have loved our Bama experience so far and I have been impressed by the academics in the University Honors Program and her professors in her lower level business courses. Can you tell me some things about this program or if you have had experiences with it?

I would be interested to know more as well. I don’t think we’ve ever had someone here on the forum talk about it.

I just googled it to get to the website listed above.

The EMBA at UA now offers two convenient formats for managers: An every other weekend face-to-face format and a once-a-month blended in class/online format.

To request information, call 205.348.4501 or email

Thank you for your help. I will contact them and let you know what I found out.

I apologize as I have had family/business obligations and have not gotten on this site. I contacted the EMBA program and spoke to Hayley Ray McNeill. She was very nice and gave me a lot of great information. Her email is

There are two programs. This is the information that she sent me:

The Huntsville EMBA Program blends online with in-class learning. This program is ideal for candidates with heavy travel schedules or who live outside the state. Classes meet 1 weekend per month with additional online components* 21 months / 5 semesters, 3-4 classes per semester (Friday 4:00-8:00 p.m., and Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) Leadership component spread throughout the program Classes held in the BA Building, UAHuntsville campus, Huntsville, AL *Includes videotaped sessions.

The Tuscaloosa EMBA Program gives you more face-to-face time with your classmates. More time to interact with classmates and faculty, more time to discuss, debate and problem solve and more time to socialize and network.
Classes every other weekend + 2 immersion weeks
17 months/4 semesters, 4 classes per semester (Friday evenings, 4 to 8 p.m., and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Classes held in the Bryant Conference Center, UA campus, Tuscaloosa, AL

*(During the final semester, the Tuscaloosa and Huntsville EMBA classes come together for a one-week international immersion study-abroad trip.)

Here is the main link:

I live oos, but because I rent a condo for my daughter in Tuscaloosa, I can stay with her. I may talk to my wife and see if this option would be viable.