Parent of a Lehigh 2025

I’m a parent of a Lehigh 2025 so happy to answer any questions on Lehigh, the community etc.

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Planning on going there for Civil Engineering! Would they give someone like me a lot of need based financial aid with these stats?

-African American Male, From NY
-Single Mother who makes 60Kish a year
-Class Rank is 26/255
-I’ve taken 3 APs, 7 IB, and 3 Honors Classes
-Taking IB Math 1 AA (Honors Precalculus) and AP Physics 1 (Algebra Based) for my ‘STEM’ Classes

Hi Ron, Have you run the Net Price Calculator on Lehigh’s home page? This will give you an estimate of how Lehigh would meet your need. Have you been accepted already or are you applying RD?

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I’m applying RD! I should do a net price calculator, it would give me a better idea of how much the school would cost.

Yes, looking at the NPC is a must. Have you been able to visit? Lehigh counts demonstrated interest. They also have special diversity programs; if the NPC works and you have not already visited, it would be worth your while to reach out to admissions directly.

My mom was a nurse too, and I was able to afford Lehigh through scholarships and loans. Happy to help if you have any other questions - you can DM me.

Are you a junior or senior? If you are a senior and the NPC works, I’d suggest you look into taking a summer calculus class and incorporate that into your application somehow, or if you can anyway swing taking it online and balancing your senior year, try to do that now. With engineering as your goal, the admissions office will be concerned that you may not be able to handle calc if you have not had it. I took calc in the College of Arts and Sciences decades ago and it was really tough. The separate calc for Engineering majors is even tougher.


I’m a senior! Thank you for your kind comment, I’ll DM you if anything comes up. I was thinking about biting the bullet with Calc and just waiting until college as I’m a pretty strong Math student with Algebra and Trig. I’ll see if I can take a class at my local community college though, thanks for the worries! I’ll run the NPC as soon as possible, but I won’t be too upset if things at Lehigh don’t work out. I’m also looking at SUNYs and Private NY schools as a NY resident, so those will likely be financially better. :+1:t6: I’ll keep my options open for now though!

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College admissions and financial aid are so strange…you just never know where you will get better aid, so it is worth the try, especially if you can apply for free. Good luck to you! I may be looking at SUNYs for my own HS sophomore - they are great schools.

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SUNYs are really good, hope your child goes to the best school for themselves! I’m looking at Buffalo and Binghamton as my top 2, but I’ll likely go to UB as they have more engineering options and I got accepted into their honors program. :blush: Still have to hear back from a bunch of RD schools such as SBU, RIT, and Syracuse.

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