Parent of Two, Highly Knowledgeable in Financial Aid Matters - ASK ME ANYTHING!

It depends on the school and its policies. You can ask now - if they say they don’t know yet, keep asking on a regular basis.

Our FA summary from USC has the majority of gift aid in the form of a University Grant (based on our income, assets, etc.). Can we be assured that these funds will be available to us for the next 3 years as well pending no or little change in our income levels, assets, etc.? In short if our EFC doesn’t change much. It’s over 50K in grants so obviously this is crucial for us to have the reassurance before my S accepts as a freshman. TIA!

Generally speaking, yes. That assumes that you only have one child in school (since the “discount” in the current EFC formula will be gone effective 2024-25). I encourage you to post your question on the USC forum to get the wisdom of experience from actual students/families at USC.

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Hello. We have 3 children. Our youngest is graduating HS this year and applied to college and we filled out the FAFSA in Oct. based on our current situation. We stated we had 1 in college who will be a junior and our daughter will be a freshman. Our oldest graduated undergrad 2 years ago and is spending the year doing a Fulbright. When we filled out thr FAFSA we didn’t include her But she was accepted to law school and will start in the Fall. So, now we will have 1 in law school, a jr in college and our youngest will be a freshman in college. Do you have any advice? Can we now include our older daughter on the FAFSA since we will be paying the majority of her law school tuition?

@kelsmom can verify…but you need to contact the undergrad schools of your other kids. Most do not allow students in professional school to be counted on the FAFSA because these students are independent filers of the FAFSA. Some schools do allow if you are supporting the professional school student.

But remember…as of 2024-2025 academic year, this having more kids in college at the same time thing on FAFSA will no longer reduce your family contribution per FAFSA.


Thank you very much. Now that we have everyone set on their schools for next year I will reach out to each of them and ask.


We have a college freshman and sophomore, and one in grad school, she no longer counts.